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I'm back and SO BLESSED

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Thank you for leaving the light on for me.  Colorado was a break I needed.  And guess what, the highest temp I'm aware of in past 12 days or so is 99.6.   So maybe this ick is really behind me now!  YEA!  All dr tests inc rheumatologist and infectious disease specialist have come in and all are negative.  So, the GP who surmised all along that my body was just having a "hangover" type of inflammatory reaction to that virus in late June, well... maybe he was right!!!!!!!!!!  While we were in Colorado we had a big scare where my baby kitty accidentally got out when my dad came over to feed her and her big brother.  She went missing for 48 hours.  I was so scared y'all.  But we prayed and prayed and last night after following advice from the vet, God sent her home to us!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, I'm home, all is going better, and I'm just ready to relax after my vacation if you know what I mean.   It is good to be back here.  I love you all and wish everyone an awesome rest of the week!

