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Share your quitting journey

(: I'm back and I'm still smiling :)

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I'm still EXhausted BUT I'm also EXtremely happy my daughter Mandy and her hubby Jason and our Mason had the best time ever getting away together, I can't remember the last time that I laughed so hard WOW is all I can think of with Mandy taking me to the Gerry Seinfeld comedy fest last night and to the most delicious buffet of everything your heart desires including crab, yum yum yum and yummy plus dozens of desserts to choose from and we had a fantastic hotel room with a great swimming pool with a huge slide which Mason loved and a delicious breakfast buffet this morning plus we did the malls on the way home my ankle is paining BUT I'm icing it while I'm writing this post and I'm smiling because Life is Grand without a Cigarette in Hand so chin up if you're struggling and know that you can and will be successful one precious Smokefree Day at a time or hour minute or even a second at a time believe it and stick with N.O.P.E and vigilance which guarantees you a Smokefree Life we're all here to help you in any way we can as difficult as quitting can be it's absolutely Doable and totally worth it to be Free so hang on tight and don't let go of the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the gift of LIFE.....


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About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....