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I'm back. I re-started my quit on January 26th

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Hi Everyone. I quit smoking for 7 months in 2011-2012. Even no cigs during the mourning of my dad. Then my mom had cancer and she was too much to stress to deal with  at the time so I said just one.. and off I went back to smoking..

Well I am proud to announce.. (After a trip to the emergency room and then gall bladder removal). I didn't smoke for 5 days while in the hospital. So I decided to quit right then and there. No patch, no gum, just cold turkey. 

I have been fine and the triggers dont' bother me, except one.. stress. the stress cigarettes I really miss. I need to work on my mindset. I want healthy back. Instead of smoking during stressful moments, I just cry, and my family, they don't understand.  I am so tempted to run to the store and buy a pack and at the same time, I am so proud of staying off these things. Thank you for your support my friends

There is actually a great book called mindset! I have read it! Btw congratulations and welcome!

I can relate to those stress smoking times. But the truth is the smoking causes the stress. It is a cycle full of lies, that smoking helps stress. I recently heard the phrase "smart turkey" instead of cold turkey. I quit last year, but using patches/gum. I made it 4 mths. As soon as things got stressful enough, it was super easy to pick up smoking again. I think because I was still getting nicotine all along.

I used to think cold/smart turkey...are you crazy??? I can't do that!! The more I read about the nicotine cycle, the more it made sense.. Here's my short version: Nicotine only stays in your system 72hrs, the rest is in our habits and in our heads! Easy? not always.

I can only share my experience. In a few hours, I will have 49, precious smokefree days. No patches, no gum, no vaping, no nicotine. I have noticed my ability to handle stress is 1000% better. Now I always reserve the right to make protecting my quit my first priority and don't let anyone or anything block me in. My dad died of lung cancer is 2011. He smoked to the end. I'm not willing to do that. I presently live with a disrespectful smoking husband. Yes, it bothers me. My resolve deepens everyday.

I found Allen Carr Easy Way to Stop Smoking videos on googleplay for android. 15 short videos, it cost me 4.99, which is less that a pack here. I really like the visual. I do read, read, read as well.

You are doing great. Just give yourself time and make sure your self-talk is in line." I don't do that anymore, I don't need to smoke, I do not and I will not even crave" Sure, we get craves, I just think postive self-talk is important, It helps me.

Cats @ 48 DOF


Please remember that smoking causes stress, it does not relieve it.  Read all you can about addiction, read jonescarp's page  He will give you hints on what to expect the first 130 days.  The triggers are going to come and go and you CAN do this.  Smoking will help NOTHING.

Welcome to EX, glad you here.


Try slow, deep breaths when stress hits, going slower and deeper and thinking about each breath s it goes in and out.  That will physically calm you, and you will give yourself a mental break, as well.  Or - remove yourself from the situation for a bit if you can - just like when you used to smoke....except you go for a walk, or go outside and count the green things you see or the leaves left on the sidewalk or......

You are relearning life as an ex-smoker!  Crying IS allowed - and sometimes it is the only answer.  We covered that emotional release with smoke before - and you have some catching up to do!

Glad you are here!  Let us know how we can help.  There are reading materials I recommend.  Let me know if you need links.



Does smoking during a stressful time actually alleviate the stress?  Or is that the ‘imagined’ release of it?  When we smoke every time we're in a stressful state, and then seemingly relax - we think that it's the cigarette that's responsible for relieving the stress.  The cigarette may give us the 5 minutes it takes to "cool off" and stop and think, but IT isn't relieving any stress.  It is only relieving the stress of the trigger and the stress of the need for nicotine during that trigger.  That five minutes’ “time out” whereby we stop and think rationally without our emotions bombarding us, is what actually relieves the stress.
People who have never smoked deal with stress without a cigarette and somehow get through it.  Right?  People who have quit go through stress and also learn that they don't need a cigarette to get through it.  Ergo,  believing you need a cigarette to get through stress is a false premise based on a lie that has been perpetuated simply by an erroneous behavioral response.
You're tempted to run to the store to feed your addiction - that’s all, not to alleviate your  stress.  Recognize it for what it is.  And hold fast to  that part of you that's PROUD of your accomplishment thus far.  THAT's the mindset that carries you forward.



Welcome back to your beautiful days of freedom from did it before you are doing it now! What a great message you shared on how to stay strong when a craving hits...the craving was strong...YOU MY FRIEND WERE STRONGER!!!! Way to fight for your quit. You've been given some great suggestions from some beautiful quitters...stay close to this site, there's strength in numbers...together we can make it! Never give in, never give up...just keep saying NO! WTG

Welcome, you can and will succeed, be willing, determined and totally committed to to remain smoke free , believe in yourself because you are sooooooo much stronger than you realize. 


Thank you everyone!