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Share your quitting journey

I know I can do it this time.

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After years of being afraid to quit, I know I can do it this time. I quit for a week in December, till I found 1 lying around.What I did notice during my quit is its mostly in the mind. How do you spell psycological - is there no spell check here? Anyway, it wasnt so bad - however, once I started then I rushed and got a pack and quickly the old habit was back.

So why do I want to quit ?

1. To live a healthy life.

2. Tired of stinking .

3. Tired of being a closet smoker.

4. Even my doctor does not know.

5. Want to lead a Ideal life , so far its been only in my head.

6. Disgusted with myself.

Reasons I smoke - Stress,and Boredom . 


you spelled it right and we don't worry too much about spelling or typos around here.

read at, reads at

get your head in a good place to change your mind about quitting.

read peoples blogs here.



yes you can do it, and yes it mostly in our heads. we convince ourselves we NEED cigarettes.............we don't

good luck with your quit. stay close to this site we are here when needed.

Peace and God bless


Welcome to the site! Congrats on deciding to quit! This place can really help. Read, read, read - that's what helped me to prepare. I read lots of blogs here, read at one of the sites Jonescarp mentioned ( and Allen Carr's book - free download at:

Stick around!

(PS - If you right click and then hit paste - a box will pop up - you can type in that and spelling errors will show up! Then hit okay to paste that back into this box! A lot of trouble.....I use it sometimes just to check a word! But, I'm kind of crazy about stuff like that!!)


I know you can quit this time too 🙂 You have great reasons for quitting. Be sure to write them down and keep them where they can serve as a constant reminder of why you are quitting. Come here first if you feel like smoking after you've quit. Let us help talk you through it. Welcome (((HUGS)))


When you're a smoker. you smell like a smoker. Trust me, people know you smoke and it's time to quit. Go to They explain why we smoke and give you some very good information.  Get a plan and set a date. If you truly want to quit, you can. Remember, a half-assed attempt will fail.

Choose life.

Best wishes to you.   😃


As I said in some of my blogs...the mind set when you quit is very has to be 100% committed, 99% just isn't enough.  The suggestions offered above helped me and I would recommend that you improve your chances for success by reading and absorbing the information.  You CAN if you truly WANT to do this.  Good luck.