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I know Better

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I don't understand why, after mostly a crave free 47 days I am so uncomfortable today, but I am really experiencing frequent strong craves today. I am resisting...I don't want to go back to smoking....I've been there, done that and really have enjoyed the freedom of going here there and everywhere without the need to pack all that smoking paraphenalia with me. I know where smoking even one would lead for me....Hell;s Bells...if ever there was an addict, it would be me! I could go thru 3 packs a day, easy when I was smoking. I am proud of quitting and happy about it and I will hang on and ride this out...I just wasn't expecting any cravings, this late in the day. It's probably just in my feeble mind....I will get past it, just surprised is all.
Elderly Comments - Elderly Comments

Hi Maria, i'm almost at 47 days and i'm having strong obsessive thoughts about smoking too! i'm hanging in there and using my friends on here as a sounding board to get suggestions from. i won't go back and the two of us can laugh next week when we're past this! hang tough we can do it!!! hugs to you D
OMG Maria, I'm at 47 days today too! Oh, I completely understand the addict thing...thank goodness I was never much of a drinker, drugger or gambler! We shall not speak of chocolate, however.

Speaking of wanting a smoke, I've done pretty good on not have strong cravings, but occasionally the desire to smoke almost overwhelms me. seems to come from nowhere, no trigger, no stress, nothing. I sure don't want to start back either, so sometimes we just have to say that we aren't going to smoke for TODAY...and tomorrow you will feel stronger.
LOL that i funny all three of you on the same day! Congrats to all of you! I am on day 80 today, and I can remeber day 47... all I can tell you is... Stay strong, persivere, and it too shall pass! Sometimes it is a few days, and sometimes a few hours... But I does get better and easier... I promise! : )
It's so common for a craving to unexpectably come from out of the blue. We are never cured and that's why it's good to be aware of our addiction, no matter how long it's been. My gratitude for being a non-smoker keeps me in check and keeps me going.
This has been me around the 2 1/2 month mark. Took me by surprise. Thanks, Edith, and everybody else. Just now I needed to hear these things. I'm going to check out too. I forget it's there sometimes.
Member's about 10:30 pm tonight and I haven't given in, but boy have I ever given myself a few lectures! How reassuring to see all these comments and not feel so alone. It's like that thing the other day where ppl were dreaming (having nightmares) about smoking. I DID
check that out on out to be fairly common with a fairly reasonable explanation. Now, I guess I better go back there and have another look about day 47! I have not given in, tho I can't say it's been so easy today...Carrie says she'd love to smoke one about as long as her leg...well...that's the size it would take to satisfy this crave! lol NOT goin there...I'm sure it's that damned devil nico=monster, stirrin up my head! I don't want to go back to the way I was before....I woke up from a dream this morning where I thought I had lit up a cig first thing and then was disappointed in myself for doing it. Turned out to be only a dream..but still upset me!

Funny Comments - Funny Comments

I have only been quit 24 days, but have noticed some days are worse than others. Sometimes a really good day without any temptations is followed by a bad day with several urges. I will also go to whyquit-thanks guys. Vicki
well done
Maria What a blessing this site and all the supportive people are. Us Grandmoms got to stay strong for multiple generations.All our loved ones need us in this crazy world to give them the balance love morals and common sense this world so lacks these days.Be kind too yourself and keep smelling sweet not one puff ever I know you can do this God Bless
Stay Strong.....and be here ALOT till the uncomfortable feeling passes.....we're here for ya...and you CAN do this, ya know !!!!!!