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I hate this time period of my quits.....80+ hours....for others this is great-----not for me...

0 24 35

Should be YAY, the nicotine is out of my system.....

Yet, for me at least, it's always a time that I start to think some not so good thoughts....

Like, well I haven't been off of them that long, so no big deal if I just restart "later; next week; at a less stress-ful time; you name it"  I KNOW THIS IS COMPLETE BS, and IT"S THE JUNKIE TALKING, I KNOW!!

Anyway, I can't picture it right now.....even thou I've had it before.....I can't picture the feel of freedom.

I know I'm going to have to just walk forward.....making the choice each day, each moment to either remain smoke-free or not......

I do know, if I can get some more days down, then hopfully looking back at these blogs, will remind me that I DO NOT WANT to have to restart the process all over, remaining smoke-free is the only way to prevent having to restart....

Just some thoughts floating thru my head......repeating to get a handle, and not fall....I think I'm ok, but I'm not super sure about it.....this is the time period of quitting (for me) that I find iffy....too easily I could fall, too easily I could go back......why, why when all of the nicotine is gone?

Just sending you a Hug. I also sent you a pm. Hang in there!

you can do this, stay strong. Read lots and maybe go for a walk. When those thoughts creep in try replacing them with positive thoughts. I am at day 87 and this is when it gets harder for me. I have had some awful cravings but I will reason with myself and convince myself that I don't want it until the urge goes away. With every passing hour you are closer to freedom. 


You are controlling thoses thoughts~ they are comming from you~ you are the nicodemon~you are in control, grab thoses negitive thoughts by the horns, come face to face with yourself and decide which way this journey is going to go. Get past this Iffy stage and show yourself that it can be done!!!!


The little choo choo train says "I think I can I think I can!!!"



You need to start positive self talk. Remember all the reason that brought you to ypur quit. Then repeat over and over throughout the day. I Do Not Smoke Anymore! Recommit for today to not smoke today. Baby steps. Do not talk yourself onto losing this quit. Yes You Can. And Yes You Are Worth It.

Got it Ann.....Thanks ❤️

Sophia, I had lost my last quit at 77 days, so I hear ya.....but also, let me remind you that where you are is much, much better than starting over......please stay just suxs, I wish I would have not fallen at 77.....but nobody could have convinced me then....

Thanks Jackie, yeah, I know it's not some superpower, and that it's me......but me is not fully sure what she wants to do, I guess....crazy isn't it


Yes, Ninepatch.....feeling negative to turn this around.....I'm going to write down some positive things to repeat to myself today.....thanks


Stay strong, Cheyenne - we are pulling for you to get this.  I look up to you - you can do this.  Just stay strong.  Love & Hugs headed your way


STOP....breathe, let it out slowly. It's meditation time my friend! I want you to:
Relax your jaw. Straighten your back. Relax your shoulders. Take 3 deep breaths. Quiet your mind. Just relax, think only positive thoughts.
Now I want you to picture yourself sitting in a beautiful environment (the ocean, the forest, where ever your soul is happy.)  Relax and visualize yourself. Let your inner soul feel your strength. Picture that woman,you, as strong of mind, body and spirit. Trust in her. Know that she can conquer anything. Look at her. She is breathing in fresh air and cleansing her mind and body of the nicotine. Watch the poison and urges flow out of her body with each breath she expels. Let your mind take over. It is strong. Much stronger than the body or everyday emotions. Let it flush all the urges and doubts away.
Do you feel it now? Do you feel the strength that is within you? You have the power to conquer this. You have the power to push the bad out and only allow the good in.

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You can do this. Reread Allen Carr's book, that helped me thru some miserable times, that and blogging! You are so worth this.


I don't know about you Cheyenne but Marmacs meditation just expelled any negitive thoughts I was having today!


Oh, I just read Shawn Blog!! It's wonderful. Take a minute to stop by and read it.


Yes......I tried it, Marilyn's suggestion, and it is very calming......I am going to keep this to repeat OFTEN : )

Jeanne, this is sad probably, but I have his book memorized, so it's sortof lost its power for me.......I had a 2 yr quit once, and I give 100% of the credit to his book for that beautiful, I'm not as open---more stubborn---Lord, slap's just harder for me now....

Hangin' in there.....


Even though the nicotine is mostly out of your body in 72 hours, there is an uncomfortableness, the physical characteristics of the first 3 weeks.Get your head in

the game.

That's what it is.

You're the only player.

How can you lose?

You can do it Cheyenne ! Do something good and peaceful for r yourself, drink some herbal tea, listen to music, pick up a hobby or do one. What do you like to do? Read, music, sing, exercise, knit, crochet?

You CAN chose your thoughts!  When the need for a cigarette appears, don;t argue with it!  You can't win an argument with yourself.  Those doubts are just the addiction tryng to wear you down. 

Distract, distract, distract!  Clean out a drawer, meditate,, take slow, deep breaths, fill your mouth with ice cubes and let them melt, take a walk, do jumping jacks, put your head in the freeze and take a deep breath. laugh out loud.   The better you get at distracting yourself, the easier it will become.

If you want, make a list of all the reasons to smoke (gee, can't think of any?)  That's because there is never a good reason to smoke; there are only excuses.

Stay committed.  Let the past go - this is your FOREVER quit!




  During my last fall semester in college, I did morning PT with the ROTC kids on campus. (I am not military myself, I just needed the fitness credit and, being a former army brat-I was very comfortable with the Army ROTC group) (ALSO: I am/was not very fit and figured the ROTC kids would whip me into shape) Anyway... when we went for our campus runs, I was always falling behind, bringing up the rear and slowing the whole unit down. I'd start out running, but quickly slow to a jog, end up walking and occasionally stop all together to catch my breath. I felt like such a failure and a let down, not just to myself, but to the unit with which I ran. 
  One day, before the campus run, one of the senior cadets came up to me and said, "I am going to run next to you and you are   NOT   going to fall behind."  
  I thought to myself "  yeah, whatever." 
   We started out and when I began to slow to a jog, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me along. I laughed and said "I'm sorry but I can't keep running." She laughed too and said "If you think I'm letting go, then you're wrong. You're running with me even if I have to   carry you the whole way."  
  It must have taken a lot of extra exertion on her part, but it worked. I kept running and everytime I started to give up, she would just keep pulling me along. It was the first time I ran the whole way and I was so flipping proud of myself. I thanked the cadet at the end of the run and she told me that running wasn't really her thing either, and sometimes you just need to lean on the strength of others. ...
  Cheyenne, I will lend you my little strength

Cheyenne, I think that the nicotine leaves our bodies at different rates...I know it should be out of your system but I also know that the damage we have done to our lungs may slow that process.  When I had a negative reaction to Symbicort, it took well over a week for me to get it out of my system.  It wasn't like stopping an oral medication and then flushing it out of my system with lungs were much, much slower to let go of the drug and THAT was supposed to have been a therapeutic drug.

When I first quit smoking, I was astounded that my usual excuse had been removed.  "If I could JUST get this pain under control, I wouldn't feel that I needed to smoke."  I didn't have pain those first few weeks and I had NO idea why until it began to creep back into my hands and my shoulder and I realized that my circulation was so poor after my last bout with pneumonia, it actually took that long for me to start to feel again.  

Getting it out of your head is key to staying quit, bite that lemon, rind and all, eat a cough drop, have your tool kit handy, you CAN do this, Cheyenne.  I know that you want to.

Hugs, Ellen


No aren't going to smoke! Believe it! You may yell, cry, pound a pillow, whatever  - just don't smoke! No IFS! You can do this Cheyenne - but, you have got to believe it! 


Whoa, ok a lot of good advice here.....even a kitten

Thanks bunches.....I just hope and need for this to'll reminded me of some things I had forgotten about quitting.....

Good, this is good.....I have more ammunition, a stronger defense system.....


HI Cheyenne, Do recommit to stop smoking, Never Ever Forget what is like to have restart all over again, and how hard it is to convince yourself to start your quit again.

I Will get thru this, I see your title yesterday already your confidence, get a positive attitude going again. Tell your negative thoughts hey i know you want me to smoke, but I not going to give you the satisfaction. I WILL I WILL. WE WILL WE WILL


Hang In There


Just keep adding those days!!!!! This is your time to quit and enjoy the fruits of your labor.



How about I CAN'T AFFORD FOR YOU TO HAVE TO QUIT AGAIN!!!  Now I'm developing a gamblng addition.  LOL

If the kitty slap didn't work, try slapping yourself.  I know I smacked myself a few times to shut the demon up and it worked.  Breathe and distract.  You know how to get through this part.  You just have to want to quit more than you want to smoke.  Just do it.


You can do it!! We are all pulling for you!! Hugs!!