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Share your quitting journey

I got this!!

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"I wanted to post this update in blog form also (it is already on my page) so those new quitters or those struggling to find a reason to hold onto their quit can read it and see what is at stake.

In about 3 weeks I will undergo a surgery that will remove up to 2/3's of each lung.  They will cut 3 holes in either side of me beginning under my arm pits, and cut one hole in my back (or front if it's more accessable).  They will go in with a camera, a cutting device that staples as it cuts away lung tissue, and the third hole on each side of me will be suction.  The hole in my back or front will be used to remove the dead and damaged tissue.


When I was diagnosed I was 47.  It was June 4th, 2009.... 3 years and a few months ago.  I am now 50 and facing a very serious surgery that "may" buy me another 3 to 5 years before I will be required to have a double lung transplant.  

I am ashamed that I let an addiction do this to my family.  If I don't make it (which I am very positive that I will fly through this) my family will be devistated.

For years and years I saw sick people and told myself that will NEVER happen to me.  Humph!



Well I have figured out that the medical feild moves almost as slow as the government.

After multiple trips the last 3 months to the Oregon Health Sciences University I have finished all the testing and have a date for surgery.

On August 22nd, 2012 @ 6:00 a.m. I will have a Lung Volume Reduction Surgery.  They will be removing up to 2/3's of each upper lobe.  I will stay anywhere from 6 days to 3 weeks.  It is all going to depend on my staples holding and no air leakage, and how fast I can recover and have tubes removed from my sides and chest.

It was June 4th 2009 that I was diagnosed and quit smoking.   A little over 3 years and I have declined to this point.  This will not cure me, it will only give me another 3 to 5 years before I will need a double transplant.  3 years sure goes by quickly.

If I could have had a sneak peak into my future I can tell you I would have never smoked, or certainly quit much much earlier.  

So when you are thinking about how hard you have it with withdrawls or discomfort from quitting, think of me on the 22nd and say a little prayer.  Thanks.