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Share your quitting journey

I didn't do it :(

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I was all psyched up, excited and armed for my quit. The day before, I cleaned my room good. Washed all the bedding my clothes. Got all the smells out of here. Even rearranged the furniture so nothing was the same.  Which was not easy for a person with COPD.  I was preparing myself and so looking forward to the day. I had my books, my journals, read all the info I could on here. 

What I did not prepare for was my son. As soon as I opened my eyes, before I could even get a cup of coffee or tea ( was going to drink tea since coffee is a trigger ) in walks my son with a cigarette, and he tells me, Dad and I bought you a pack of smokes just in case it gets too stressful for you. That did it. Power of suggestion. As soon as he said that, it was like...bring me one!

I know he means well. With my COPD, the thing that affects it the most is stress, because I have stress induced asthma, and once an astma attack hits me, I can't stop the breathing exacebation on my own. It usually requires a trip to the hospital and a 3 to 8 day stay. So they did it out of worry.  What they did not know is I was ready for any stress. I would have just locked myself in my room, and read a book, studied my bible or meditated. Anything that would calm me down. 

So now I have to pick a new quit day, and psych myself all over again!  But I will not give up!