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I butted it out without finishing it!!!

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So today has been kind of a busy day, see my previous post. Tomorrow even more so, all gearing up for a yard sale this weekend...but I was sitting her earlier and just taking some me time, which is after the kids and hubby are in bed. No one to come interrupt me. So I was sitting her and just goofing off on a game. I noticed today that I will light up a cigarette while I am playing games on the computer, but rarely get more then teh first draw off of them. So If I am not smoking them why am I lighting them?? I think because my other hand gets bored. I feel like it should be doing something so wasting a cigarette is it.. So today I picked up a pencil and twirled it in my fingers. Then just a little bit ago I once again lit up took a draw and just held it in my hand. When it was about halfway through wihtout taking another draw I looked at it hte light bulb came on. I was like what am I doing?? So i just butted it out. I figure if I need it I can relight that one. Othewise I am good. I should be in bed and I hear it calling myname but the TBN praise thon is on and they have Judy Jacobs and the Crabb Family on . I Love the Crabb family, just love o hear them all sing together. I would love o see them live in concert one time, just once. I fyou have never seen or heard them find them on youtube. Look for the song Through the fire. Jason Crabb sings it with the family but he is the lead and you can just see and feel the presence of God cover that child as he sings that song. Ok well good night all see ya in the morning.