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Share your quitting journey

I am still quit YAY March 6th 2013 quit, March 17th 2013

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Hi everyone

I am still not smoking and I am very proud.  Even though I slipped once, I still consider March 6th to be my true quit date, so I will say it has been 4 months and 3 days since I quit smoking, but on the 17th of this month I will say it has been 4 months since I had a cigarette if that makes sense to you.  It makes sense to me, I celebrate both dates instead of beating myself up for my one slip up.  Not smoking has gotten easier, I see people smoking on the street and I'm so happy I'm not one of them.  My boyfriend still smokes and it does not affect me, he's a light smoker like I used to be and I don't like his brand and even when we are drinking I have never asked him for a cigarette.  I'm not overly confident, I'm still afraid of going back but I think it's a healthy amount of fear.  It used to be that when I woke up in the morning my first thought was of a cigarette and now I can honestly say I don't think about smoking unless I see someone else having a cigarette.   I can't wait to celebrate 6 months and a year!!!