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I am pissed!!!

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I do A LOT of walking for exercise and my sense of smell and taste has become extremely sensitive to cigarette smoke. After my walk this evening, the taste in my mouth is just horrific. I feel like I've smoked a cigarette. This is just outdoor second hand smoke from from passing cars, people's backyards, etc... The quantities are very minute but still... YUCK!!!

Given a chance, I would love to do this to their cigarettes to get even.

To end this blog on a positive note...

Thanks for letting me vent.
Hey just because you have quit smoking doesn't mean that YOU have the right to judge other people just think you used to be one of them !!!!
Used to be is the key word...Thanks ctm, you can ALWAYS vent here..that's one of the reasons we are here!!!!
I'm not judging them but I DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO BREATHE CLEAN AIR!!!
Thanks Sandee.
I feel the same way Chuck when I have to walk by the smoking area outside at work. I usually go the other way, but there are times I have to park in that area. Amazing that our sense of smell is so acute now isn't it?? I do have to add that I now hate my cat's litter box! Just sayin'

Mike read before going off on one of the members. No one likes to have stink taste in their mouth whether it be cigs, cigars or cat box!
ctm I can relate. i work in a grocery store, and when I take peoples groceries out some of their cars smell awfull, And when coworkers come back from their break I can smell them and just when it isn't so bad it is time for their next fix. Just be grateful that you don't smell that way anymore. In fact I realized about a month ago that I really don't care for the perfume that I have been wearing for several years. EEEEWWWWW.
Hey Chuck -- I'm with ya!

I posted a while ago about the neighbor smoking in the back yard next door and how it was dredging up memories. A few bucks later, I've managed to weather-strip and tape the windows that needed some help (thanks Christine!). I also work in the office of a high school. I can smell the smokers coming a mile away. I just want to brow-beat them for being tardy due to their smoke break.

I really admire all the people that crossed my path when I was a smoker. I'm thinking they were awfully diplomatic to put up with me and my stinky self. Perhaps we ex's are ultra-sensitive though -- I can only hope. It's a bit embarrassing to me to have been known for my aroma 🙂

I so appreciate everyone putting up with me and my stench, that I try really hard not to comment -- but dang, it's not easy 🙂 I do have a button on my desk from the TATU group (Teens Against Tobacco Use) that says 'Smell Better, Don't Smoke".

On the other hand -- it's SO FUN to reawaken the smeller 🙂
That was pretty gross... I guess some people... maybe the french who watch american tv don't realize how dangerous ecoli bacteria is... gagggggg..... I don't like outdoor smoke either, but I have to draw the line at potentially killing someone over it. Ick. Find a different walking route.
Thanks for your responses.

I respect the opinions of others and don't feel that I'm being hypocritical by stating that I had a bad taste in my mouth after being exposed to trace amounts of 2nd hand smoke on and off over a period of about 2 hours. I admit that the video may have a been somewhat over the top but I was blowing off steam. I wouldn't really do that but it was fun to think about... 🙂

Nicole, you said:

(i have been wanting one bad since friday and have been fighting like theres no tomorrow lol) So i cant hate smokers cause they are what i am missing. I admire their weakness.

If you're wanting a cigarette really bad, I suggest you come here and blow off steam or ask for help. Try to push thoughts of missing something and admiring smokers out of your head. Don't let your own mind undermine your quit.
I am the same way with the smell of people who drink beer. I've been sober for over 5 years and I can smell someone who has been drinking a mileaway. It is actually nauseating to me. I dont like it, I cant change it, but I am glad to be part of the solution. Thanks for the videos they really make me laugh, it feels pretty good to feel happy. Dont let someone cheat you of it.
Mike, you have a right to your opinon. Thats the whole idea here we can share what we feel. Lee
It's a fact Jack, that it stinks...... I cant stand the smell of a lot of things. I must learn to deal. It's up to me how upset I get. I used to stink too. So I am a tad more gentle than CTM but yesterday I did say out loud to a co worker P.U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all..........EWWWWWWW!

Secondly........I'll happily walk through their cloud of smoke to get to the FRESH air on the other side, the whole time thinking.....GLAD IT'S NOT ME!!

I can agree with mike about the comment he made......i feel he was very passionate about it, lol. I think its hypocritical to be how dare they have smoke somewhere that just happened to come in my direction. I agree that the smell of smoke does make me sick now also, sometimes.....i also can agree with the comment made about maybe it is the brains way of saving us from caving into our addiction..(i like the way that was wrote).... When i smoked my husband (non smoker.....very anti smoke attitude) would nag me til he was blue in the face. I was a rude smoker....i went outside to smoke.....i didnt smoke in my new cars...and my thought was if you dont like the way my smoke smells ....getcha ass back in the house. I would never smoke to entrances of if you bitched about my smoke when i was in the corner minding my own business be prepared to get an ear full back. I occasionally (like fri, sat, and sun lol) could actually taste the cig smoke in my mouth and could remember the light headed feeling. (i have been wanting one bad since friday and have been fighting like theres no tomorrow lol) So i cant hate smokers cause they are what i am missing. I admire their weakness. Just my two cents...
I have been a part-time manicurist for years. I might have to look into going back to that full-time since I'm laid off from my full-time job. Anyways I just about gag when a smoker client comes in to get her nail service. As all smokers know that get their nails done they need to smoke right before the service and they will need to smoke AGAIN right after they are finished. Most times they have their smoke and lighter laying out so they have it handy, so as soon as I'm done polishing their nails they can't wait to get out the door to smoke. Sigh, I have to fix way more smokers polish because they can't sit 5 more mins to let their polish set up.
I'm seriously thinking about having clients wash their hands before their service. I wash my hands before their service. I will tell people they stink of smoke so go wash your hands please lol No I won't. I'll tell them I'm having clients wash their hands now to cut down on passing germs and for sanitation reasons. I'm serious smokers hands stink bad I can't believe I didn't smell them before and even worse my non-smoking clients had to smell me when I smoked, but I always did wash my hands before a client everytime and use breathe mints. But still they had to smell me. I think a smoker trying to cover up their bad smell is like someone spraying room freshner in the bathroom after doing number 2 lol some smells ya just can't cover up.
My new hairdresser smokes and I'm thinking about changing... her hands don't smell but her breathing and breath just wreak of smoke. It makes me nauseated. This used to be a luxury for me and now I just cringe at the thought of having to go have my hair cut. I've become over sensitive. I think the exaggerated response to the smell is an "addiction" thing. The brains way of screaming WARNING, WARNING.
SaraSmile, the graphic of the dog--priceless, and i have to say also, i did not know i smelled so bad, i feel for smokers who still do it, my daughters ex- mother in law, was told she has tumors in both lungs, she let it go so long and rolls her own smokes, does not even have a filter, and she is still at it. the doctor sent her home, and said to call Hospice, it was too far for surgery to help, she is 55 years old. sad
well if yall knew the whole history behind everything then maybe my admiring weakness would mean something. My grandfather b4 he died made all of us promise to the only one that kept the damn promise because I AM A PERSON OF MY WORD. so ya when i talk to family members i am jealous that they didnt keep up with what they have promised and their end of the bargin....and since both the grandparents have the one that holds the family together so excuse me for making a comment about weakness cause why do i always have to be the strong one?????? When can i be the one who (reaches out for help in my on little way,......just to be ridiculed and questioned by people that have no clue about me) whatever...... im not one that asks for help but when i do (in my own little way) and its denied or ridiculed i cant deal with that ...i wont reach out again.
People can only respond to what they see and read... I think the psychic's network is closed. I'm trying to add a little levity to this. On a serious note though, if you are angry about being "the only one" and feel bitter... those feelings could keep you from being successful long term.

Get your arms around these feelings. Maybe with some talk therapy or some counseling in other areas... even just chatting with a close friend about your feelings... but a friend who will not just tell you what you want to hear. The beauty of this site is that there is no FILTER and you get people's raw and honest response. Sometimes it is NOT what we want to hear though, hon. And, I think that may be where you're at right now.

Instead of recoiling re-read what everyone has said to you and this time don't put a harsh tone on the simple words... instead pretend you can hear people's honest concern in their words. Good luck, hon.
Chuck I know what you mean, I'm not a huge fan of cig. smoke either....But when I quit I promised myself I wouldn't be one of "those" ex smokers....We all know the ex smokers I'm talking about, they quit and then they insist on preaching to everyone they know that smokes about how bad it is and how horrible it smells and so on, those people never once made me want to quit. Did I refrain from smoking around them...sure, did I think they where hypocrites...yep. Smokers have the right to smoke outside, or in there homes or cars or where ever they may be that allows smoking. Doesn't mean we have to like it, doesn't mean we can't come here and complain about it. I was always a respectful smoker, I never insisted on sitting in the smoking section with non smoking friends, or in my car if non smokers where in it with me, and so on. And I do expect smokers to show me the same respect now. But I will never make a smoker feel shameful of themselves because I know from experience that does nothing to make them want to quit.....
In no way am I saying that this is what you are doing, I get that you are just blowing off some steam, and why you where perturbed, I'm just stating my stance on people that smoke now that I do not. And believe me it is hard for me not to preach to my still smoking friends on how great it is to quit, but I don't....unless of course I'm asked!
Nicole, I'm with Christine on this. I never meant to offend you in any way. I was offering what I hoped was some advice that could help you.

I understand what you're saying and I always vowed that I would never be one of "those" ex smokers. I try to be tolerant but have made the observation that my response to 2nd hand smoke is unpredictable. Sometimes, I like the smell, sometimes I'm neutral toward it. If I get exposed to too much at once, I've noticed that something is off. It hasn't generated the desire to smoke for some time now but I'm not taking any chances. It's simply a self-preservation thing because I want to stay quit.
i just get frustrated with everything because i understand that everyone here (for the most part) is doing the same thing i know we all do it differently. i just dont like being "judged" and that because i may type something or it come across the wrong way or i dont represent it the way that i would like for it to have come out.....then some say that i wont be able to keep my quit.
CTM i thank you for
It hasn't generated the desire to smoke for some time now but I'm not taking any chances. It's simply a self-preservation thing because I want to stay quit.
I didnt think about it like that for someone else. I know that personal experience (i know everyone is different) but my cousin quit when she was pregnant and was so rude toward people that smoked then after she had baby was all puffing again and that really bothered me because i was like you smoked for years....your the one who helped me to start smoking and now youre judging me? ? then she was smoking acting like nothing was wrong with it. Im just crabby today and just taking everything the wrong way and giving it the wrong way.... Im rambling again im sorry!

This addiction is effing hard to beat and I don't have the strength to do this again. I don't belittle smokers to their faces. I have mentioned how I quit to the smokers at my workplace and left it at that. When they are ready to quit for themselves, I will help them if they want my help.

I just got back from a 7 mile walk tonight. I can deal with the 2nd hand at work because it's in small doses, but when I'm exercising... That is a very different story...
ok what does it mean when there are that many ((((())))))) around that a hug or are you yelling at me

7 miles thats impressive.....which i had that much motivation. Good job!!
The ()'s are hugs. The more ()'s, the bigger the hug.


Now that's a really BIG hug for my new friend 🙂
ok lol i was gonna say dont yell at me.........i can hear just fine. well thank you! lmao i put which im so tired lol i meant wish...what a weirdo i am. Not sleeping well hubby is outta town i hate our new house....its new and i just get bad vibes from it lol.
I just got back from a 7 mile walk tonight Holy Cow Chuck! I think I might have been over sensitive in my first response because I can't even imagine Chuck going off on strangers or even friends about their smoking.

I'm not a preacher and I have never gone off on anyone for smoking. I don't make it my business to get into other peoples smoking unless they ask about my quit. As far as the second hand smoke I got to tell ya that some people smell like they bathed in it. I work in a retail type business and see tons of different people every day. I would never say anything rude to them about it but I do back up a bit just so I can breathe. Not everyone smells that bad. It's weird. Of course I can't handle some of the perfume that comes through either with my new found sense of smell and I'm sure not gonna tell some sweet old lady that she stinks and it's not prettiful!

(((Nicole))) sorry your getting bad vibes from the new house. Have you done a cleansing??
Karen....I used to be able to sniff those people out when I still smoked....It's like they sit in there cars with all the windows rolled up and smoked 2 packs....ICKKKK----I don't really mind the smell of fresh cigarette smoke (unless I'm overwhelmed with it in a bar), but the smell of old smoke on someones body grosses me out!!!
No kidding! There are those people that it's just a little bit of ick but then the ones like you said smell like they sat in their cars with the windows rolled up is awful. What I keep thinking is OMG did I smell like that after smoking on my way to work??
As long as I keep it in mind that yes I did smell that bad (Whether I did or not) then Maybe it will help me to not go back.
I am a few short hours away from 4 months smoke free and I still get jealous of those that "APPEAR" to be having a good time out in the weather (be it cold hot windy rainy or in the area where I live dirt ) hanging with their friends while smoking only because I don't fit with them anymore. These people would rather not spend time with me because I am the outsider for not smoking with them. What I would rather think of instead of that is the smells that I was assaulted with when I first quit. These smokers cannot smell fresh cilantro, hand lotion on the old lady, hair spray on the aging not so young lady, bubble gum on the kids, sugar on a bakery table, blood on a fresh cut roast, (even dirt in the air has a smell). These are the things that confused me when I first quit smoking, but I cherish every time I see those smokers that I no longer belong with gathered together having there fix which keeps them from being able to smell all of the wonderful things that I can, now that my nose hairs and sinuses aren’t full of tar. I also believe that non smokers that have never smoked don't notice the odors that they have had all of their lives. In my opinion that is probably why ex smokers become so intense on how bad the smell is because all smells are more intense to me now. That includes Cigarettes which is actually the only thing that I USEDTO smell. My first couple of weeks smoke free, that fresh smoke didn’t smell good, but was alluring. Now it stinks, but I try to remember the good smells that are new to me go along with the bad smells. Either way, 4 months ago this wasn’t something I would notice hanging out with other people having my fix.

I don’t complain to my coworkers that they stink or to customers that their car makes me want to puke because I try to remember that they don’t realize the smells that they are missing which are also what I got out of the video. A but is a but. If you smell one long enough, then you probably won’t smell the other. I’ll bet when the smoker came back, he probably didn’t notice. So CTM I thank you for this blog and video. It made me grateful to know that today I can smell and I would probably notice which odor I was smelling before it hit my mouth, but 4 months ago,,, ???? I don’t think I would have noticed.
I found this blog really interesting because I am also not wanting to be one of those ex-smokers that preaches to others HOWEVER, I also would hope that I would not miss an opportunity to let a smoker know that this is possible and that I want them to be healthy and not die of smoke related diseases!! I am so upset that my son and hubby still smoke, I thought for sure they would quit right after I did because it has always been known in my family that it was me that would never stop, everyone else could beat the habit anytime! Well it isn't like that and I want them to stop! I have brought some facts to their attention and I can see what I used to do, that look comes over them of yeah I hear ya but I am not listening! Ugh, It is so frustrating to want to share this but not shove it down their throats either.
i havent done a cleansing on the house but im sure the owner did. He is a preacher so im sure it was blessed and stuff when he built in and moved into it in. i didnt notice anything until one weekend i went home and my husband got freaked out cause he said he could hear someone walk up the stairs and back down again. I laughed and laughed and laughed at him. (im not one that scares easily and get a sick thrill outta watching shit that scares the hell outta me just for fun when i know some of you will say "well theres your problem" lol but ..i have been doing that for 20 years). I have lived in 6 houses in 6 different towns over the past 7 years ranging from new to 40 years old in age and have not gotten the feeling, "vibe" that this house gives me. (i swear there was a ghost in my house in st louis and he never bothered me, or scared me, and i seen him face on one night). Its just this house......i dont know.