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Share your quitting journey

I am a quitter…and I mean it

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When I first logged on to this site about three weeks ago I was looking for a reason to keep my sanity, but only temporarily. Let me explain….You see, I smoked my last cigarette on September 5, 2009. I smoked for 28 years and I am only 41 years old. I did not quit because I wanted to, or because my kids wanted me to, I quit because my dentist told me to! How sick is that? I had gum transplant surgery in my mouth last Friday. My gums are destroyed from smoking. In order for the surgery to be successful the dentist told me that I had to at least quit a week before my surgery and two weeks after. The first week of my quit was hell but I kept telling myself it’s only temporary, in three weeks I can smoke again!!! Well guess what? I am NEVER going to smoke again. For the first time in my life I feel great! Sure, the urges are still there but I have realized with the help of this site and a great support system I am able to overcome them. There are some wonderful people here that have been such a big help to me and I am so thankful I found you. I have realized that I can live my life smoke free and be happy.
yeah for quitters, great job Jenn
Yeah....congrats....amazing what it takes to get your attention somtimes huh....keep on stay free ...

RJ - Free and Healing for Two Years, One Day, 3 Hours and 52 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 101 Days and 16 Hours, by avoiding the use of 29286 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $6,037.12.
Good for you Jenn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More power to ya!!!!!!!!!!!!1
You have the resolve Jenn, now keep it going
YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!

i "stumbled" on the site yesterday, after my LAST cigarette. for years and years we've been warned about cancer, lung disorders and low-birth weight babies...................just in the past couple of years am I hearing about dental and bone issues relating to affects things we never even thought about. My gyn prescribed Boniva for me after my last bone density tests, I told him I couldnt afford ANOTHER $50 a month for meds, He told me quitting smoking would be even more effective than the meds.
Jenn...Sometimes other things besides just wanting to quit will get us past a few days without smoking. Then we realize..hey, we don't need this! 10 years ago I had pneumonia and couldn't smoke for about a week. When I tried then, it was awful, so I just decided if I could go that long, I could just quit and I did for a year and 1/2. I didn't have this site for support back then, so when a traumatic situation came along, I took that one puff and blew a whole year and 1/2. I know better now, though, and will never smoke again! I'm glad to hear your resolve to keep on with your quit!
I'm the same way. I have to trick myself into accomplishing something. I am chronically late for work and appointments. So what I do is when I write on my calendar that I have an appointment, I put the time 15 minutes earlier than it actually is. So far it has worked. Doesn't matter why we quit, what matters is that we quit.
I'm proud of you! your dentist is correct. smoking makes perio disease much worse. luckily, i never had any perio problems. however, i'm a dental hygienist and see it everyday. yes, i used to smoke. hard to believe but true. i can say that the best thing i did for myself is quit! i too found out how much better i feel and how much easier it is to breathe, especially during exercise etc. Keep going, YOU CAN DO IT!!! Smiles, 😉
Jenn...just found out yesterday I have to have a gum transplant...I told the doc it sounded "expensive and painful" least I already quit smoking!...thanks for telling about it...Linda
i'm glad you've decided to quit especially if you're having health probs. keep up the great work!!!