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I Lost My Fight With Smoking!

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Yes, I started smoking again yesterday. I have been so miserable and depressed, that I just said what the h---!

I could not stop thinking about smoking. I was on my last week of the patch. I think what happened was my friend, whom I talk to every day, said this site was the reason I kept thinking about it. She quit 6 or so yrs. ago, and never thought another thing about it.And she said she certainly did not talk about it on the computer!!!

I am really confused. My husband who quit the same day I did seems disappointed with me. I am disappointed too!

What are your thoughts????


Do not be hard on yourself.  I do not believe that this stop hindered you from quiting, i do believe that the patch is what did you in.  One of the biggest issues with quitting smoking is the nicotine addiction and the patch and gum give you that nicotine that  you crave.

Just get back on the horse and try again.  Just do not quit on quitting, you can do it 🙂


Do not be hard on yourself.  I do not believe that this stop hindered you from quiting, i do believe that the patch is what did you in.  One of the biggest issues with quitting smoking is the nicotine addiction and the patch and gum give you that nicotine that  you crave.

Just get back on the horse and try again.  Just do not quit on quitting, you can do it 🙂


Blame game is the addicts repeated refrain. If you have not been inhailing smoke then you have improved your ability to breath and smell and found other benefits, hopefully established new habits for use of your time. To success and be making the choices each day that are not smoking and allow you to heal the self imposed condition that causes your brain to want these toxic chemicals and sick behaviors.

I am very sure the manufactor of your brand of poison is jumping up and down knowing one more sap thinks they are just not "strong enough" to quit smoking.

Just get out of your way and quit. Keep going in THAT direction.


Blame game is the addicts repeated refrain. If you have not been inhailing smoke then you have improved your ability to breath and smell and found other benefits, hopefully established new habits for use of your time. To success and be making the choices each day that are not smoking and allow you to heal the self imposed condition that causes your brain to want these toxic chemicals and sick behaviors.

I am very sure the manufactor of your brand of poison is jumping up and down knowing one more sap thinks they are just not "strong enough" to quit smoking.

Just get out of your way and quit. Keep going in THAT direction.


I think your friend was trying to help you find blame other than you.  Stop all nicotine right now including the patch.  If you want to blame something blame the patch.  This site is a huge reason I'm still an ex-smoker today at 17 days.  You CAN do it!


It's ok to fall off the horse, just remember to get back on!  If you let it get to you, it will be harder to try again.  You made it a long time with out smoking something that you should be proud of.  I doubt that this site is what caused you to think about smoking.  This site has been a huge help getting me through the first few days.  Reading about all the people that have stopped smoking for long periods of time gives me hope that i can do the same.  You can do it, just stay strong and don't let one little slip up throw all the hard work that you did out the window. 



Hey, you did NOT lose the fight, not by a long shot.  You have today - a free gift to you!  Each day is another opportunity to start new, and you can do it!  Bust up the smokes, take a deep breath, say a little prayer, and get on with your life the way YOU want to live it (not the way nicotine wants you to live it)!  You CAN DO IT!!!


I agree with everything said here, and I've fallen off the wagon too many times to count. Just pick a new quit date, focus on it and get back in the game. It's the trying that is important. Keep trying and you'll beat nicotine. Thousands of people have and thousands more will in the future. I plan to win someday, too. Keep trying. 




your friends an idiot for planting those seeds ol doubt.

It can be a battle, the war, or just a sinple decision.


I say why put quitting and a bunch of urealized fears or could have beens on a pedestal.

Decide and then do it.


are you still miserable and depressed or did cigs magically make you feel better.  get mad about it, stop it right now. or not, your choice. you can always find an excuse to smoke, find one not to. i could smoke right now, but not! My choice, never.


Sandra - you did not lose the fight unless you have decided to return to smoking completely.  The fact that you came here and "fessed up" tells me that you do not intend to give up completely.  I had a really bad weekend at about 5-6 weeks.  I thought of smoking all day on a Saturday and Sunday.  It surprised me and humbled me.  I really could have smoked.  What I am saying is that we all have it in us - every day, we are all addicts - even your friend who quit 6 years ago.  So now, it's time to learn a lesson about what happened, forgive yourself completely and then move on.


If it was easy to quit smoking, then everyone that wanted to quit would.  It is not easy.  Quit again, and again--as many times as it takes for you to beat it.  You are at war!  Do not surrender!


I read a thing Dr. Oz  wrote in one of his books - it was about diet, but it can apply here as well:

he said that when they induct players into the Baseball Hall of Fame, it's because they have a 70% success rate. And yet dieters or - in this case - former smokers - beat themselves up no end for breaking down and smoking a cigarette. It's not the so-called "failing" that's the problem- it's the backlash of guilt and false reasoning we subject ourselves to after the "slip": voh wow I'm no good- knew I couldn't do it - might as well smoke a whole pack".

It helps to perform triage in those slipping moments. You can't go back in time and un-slip, but you CAN keep from letting it be an avalanche of shame that spirals into giving up completely.


Do not quit quitting. This site will not make you smoke. No one can make you eat either. If you tell yourself it will, then you are giving yourself another reason to smoke. Focus on things that do not make you want to smoke, or things that are more enjoyable that smoking. Kissing a baby comes to mind. 🙂



Strange how you want to quit when you have a pack but as soon as they are gone YOU think of EVERY excuse to go get them.  EXCUSES, EXCUSES  are a crutch to make YOU feel better at not succeeding.



Thanks everyone. This is what I needed---support! I am going to try again very soon.


Day 1 for me and I'm dreading these withdrawals.  I was already looking to argue with my family so I would have an excuse to light one up.  How sick am I not to want to quit for fear of gaining weight but yet not being as fearful of getting cancer or ruining my lungs.   I've quit before and swore I'd never go back just not to deal with these withdrawals and here I am again.  Ugh!  I need to just lock myself away for a good month until I'm on my way.  I just want to cry.