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Share your quitting journey

How often do you think about your decision to quit?

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In just two days I'll be celebrating my 1 year "quit" anniversary. Interestingly, I think that every day of the last 363 days I've thought, "wow, I don't smoke anymore." I also wondered whether there would come a time when I would go an entire day without thinking once about cigarettes?

Initially, this was annoying. I didn't want to think about being a non-smoker because it forced me again to make the decision not to smoke. But now I am thankful for having to make that decision over and over and over again. Afterall, for years I made the potentially fatal decision to put the harmful stuff into my body - it only makes sense that I have to reject it as often as I succumbed to it in order to stay smoke free.

Are there any ex-smokers out there who now go days without even thinking about a smoke?

All the best to you all and have a very Merry Christmas!