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How Many Times Have I Quit Smoking??

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Enough times to have gotten good at it Lol............Hi All!!!! My name is Kate and I am a nicotine addict.I smoked for 36 years so smoking was a huge part of my life. My quit date is 12/29/2011. I would fight and fight to quit. Now I am 53 days quit and I am protecting my quit at all cost. This is one quit I Never want to lose.

I don't have home internet so I just wanted to write this blog while I could to re-introduce myself. I wish I could send pretty comments and blog when I want to and all that good stuff. I would love all the support I can get and offer my support in return. Congratulations Everyone!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations to You, Kate!!! Protect Your Quit! (((((Hugs)))))

The number of time you paused is not something that matters! This is your quit! Make it your forever quit! Take possesion of it and own it! It is yours and no one can take it away! Be proud of it! The way a New Grandmother is proud of her Grandchild! Nourish it! Protect it! Hold it close, until the day it is strong enough to stand on it's own! Then, always keep an eye on it, so it does not stumble and fall! This is your life! Live it like it is the only one you get!              Tommy


Hi Kate!  I, too, have been a "serial" quitter.  CONGRATS on your 53 days!!!!  That is HUGE!! 

The last time I blew my quit, I realized just how important it was to me.  Now I do protect it at ALL COSTS.   There is nothing more important to me for today than having a good SMOKE FREE day.  Yes, I have alot of stress at work, and yes, sometimes my day is quite chaotic but there is not ONE REASON for me to smoke.  So glad you checked in with us...........Keep up with your great attitude.




Congrats on your great quit Kate!

Congrats,stay strong,I'm right behind you.
Thank you Everyone for supporting me during my "Forever Quit". I used to think the smokes were my friend. Now I have a new Best friend. My quit!!!! Have a Good Thursday You Guys (:
My alarm just went off letting me know I have not smoked 1500 death sticks and although I can't see my counter I must be right at or on 60 days. I am Thankful for every sec. that I remain smoke free. I want to never forget........... where I came from........ how far I have come......and how far I can go with my forever quit.

congratulations Thats incredible stuff and you are an inspiration. I cant wait to get there. I am a recent quitter again. 2 days, 2 hours, and counting. thnks for your inspiration.



Hi Kate!  I'm new to this.  I've been smoking for over 40 yrs.  I'm a professional quitter also.  I've quit for 3 yrs, 5yrs, and my most recent another 5 yrs and I started up again.  I have noticed at first it's great, but now, I'm focusing on health risks, costs and the discussing smell.  No one in my family knows I smoke.  My kids, grandkids think I'm still a nonsmoker.  I need to retain that status!

Good luck to you and all of us!

Peace out!



Congrats !! I quit smoking in 2006 .. for over a year my daughter passed away in 9.07 and smoking was the first thing i went to right  after seeing her .. and it has been over 4 years .. I have been on chantix and have a quit date this is the first time in a long time a pack  lasted 3 days .. so i have cut way back .. for the year i did nto smoke it was the best i felt ....but after what happened i did not care !!  I figured God is still waking me up for a reason every day .. and i really just dotn like smoking it is more of a habit ..  sorry to type so much on here just venting alittle ...  good luck to you all . mimisheri