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Hi y'all

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Beli everyone, I have been quiet. Back February 14 th I ended up in the hospital. Respiratory distress. I haven't smoked since then but  have been using nicorette lozenges. I want to come off of those to but need something to  help me. Hard candy is not working. Would appreciate any suggestions. Am facing a total shoulder replacement July 23rd. I'm scared as i never have  had major surgery n the pain I'm in is awful. It's been hard not smoking but I know I need to keep  up the good work to Live.  Anyway ty all in advance, Dot

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CONGRATS on FREEDOM from sucking on death sticks - WAY TO GO !  SUGGESTIONS - made to ME -  for MY - hand to mouth habitual pattern - a variety of options -  for YOU to try - what works for YOU Dot - YOUR CHOICE- suck on lemons - add cinnamon in applesauce - chew on cinnamon sticks - suck on a menthol cough drop- march in place - chew on cilantro - please take what HELPS and let go of the rest - to be HELPFUL is MY only aim - thank you - gentle hug ❤


I used Sour Patch Kids because the strong flavor reset my brain, I know others who have used Fireballs...I also drank lots and lots of water.  I was told before I quit that I needed bilateral shoulder replacements, I did not have the surgery done because I was too worried about my breathing.  I went to a pulmonologist and had both upper lobes removed.  My shoulders still hurt, sometimes more than other but I work out and I have maintained full range of motion in both of them without surgery.  Strength is, however, not there.  I believe YoungAtHeart‌ had a shoulder replacement, maybe she can tell you what to expect.  I had both rotator cuffs repaired years ago but they have since torn again, hence the need for replacements.

Not smoking will help you to heal much faster, take the pain medication as prescribed, and know that it WILL get better.



Ty for the info. I have to have the replacement as I'm n pain an have little use of the arm anymore. Though dreading it. I will try the sour patch. Seems certain taste help better. That may be one of them. Ty,DotDotnZeusYonahHarrris


Ty so much.. I will give your suggestions a try.  Hugs back DotnZeusYonahHarrris


I had a reverse (upside down) metal shoulder replacement done (needed that because I previously ripped my rotator cuff and had that repaired).  I broke my shoulder in a fall.   The hardest part, as I recall, was wearing the sling 24//7 for a bit.  Difficult to sleep with it.  It was my dominant arm, too - so not being able to brush my teeth, wash myself, wipe myself with that hand was difficult , too.  The pain drugs cause all kinds of digestive issues, so I didn't take them very long.  I don't remember the pain being severe....but time does dull that memory, I think.  I am a swimmer and asked at the outset if I would be able to swim after rehabbing it.  They said maybe not crawl or backstroke ---- but I worked REALLY hard in rehab and I have FULL range of motion, no pain, and can swim all the strokes easy as can be. I have no negative after effects - except it took awhile for me to be able to sleep on that shoulder side.  I can now.

To wean yourself off the nicotine in the lozenges, you need to start subbing a mint of the same flavor in between every fourth lozenge, then every third until you are down to every other one for awhile.  Do this gradually over time so the withdrawal symptoms are reduced.

Glad you're here.  Don't hesitate to ask questions or for support when you need it.



I understand the struggle!  I have been there, am there, will be there!  I am 20 days nicotine free after a 2+ years struggle on this site.  Stay close to here, and keep trying!  You WILL find something that works!  


How are you doing?  Feeling any better?  I know that your surgery is getting really are going to feel BETTER once it's done.  l am very familiar with the pain you are describing and it's terrible.  Do whatever is recommended by your surgeon and physical therapist to recover as smoothly as possible.


About the Author
I'm a recovery alcoholic of 10 years almost n now cigarettes. I have a very addictive nature I love animals, nature n camping. I'm on disability due to a bad back plus retired. Butterflies r my guides n wolves my protectors.