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Share your quitting journey

Here's hoping February will be kind!

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Whether you live in a snowbelt like I do or you live in Florida or California February weather will be what it will be because we have no control over it but we've got complete control over how deal with it and we definetly have complete control over whether we smoke or not and choosing Not to Smoke is the best decision that any of us will ever make for ourselves I consider quitting to be a gift that keeps on giving day after day, week after week month after month and year after year, Quitting smoking is definetly difficult to say the least but very Doable and with N.O.P.E and vigilance then there's no way we can fail because we know that - S.I.N.A.O - Smoking Is Not An Option - as Dale says - the only way out is through  - and - keep them away from your face!  It's time to take back your life if you haven't already and if you're having a rough patch know that we're here for you ask for HELP and they'll be people coming to help you through it but you must wait for a few minutes or so for people to get on line to help and if you have to Sit On Your Hands while you're waiting because There's No Way That You Can Smoke If You're Sitting On Your Hands but seriously do whatever you have to to protect your precious quit it will get easier and easier with time under your belt but you must go through the roller coaster ups and downs of withdrawals and moodswings first, if you stop and think about how many decades you smoked then it only stands to reason that it's bound to take time to relearn life without the cancer sticks but boy oh boy it's so worth it to be Free.....


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About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....