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Share your quitting journey

Here I am

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Hi all -

Once again I am checking in from work.  I only work a couple of days a week - so that's pretty much how often I am posting since the new improved site began.  This site is devilishly slow on my laptop at home!

Everything is going great.  We are planning for a NYE wedding ( my son and his fiancee).  My daughter has made her most recent relationship "official" and this is "the" one apparently.  ( gosh she reminds me so much of myself!).

I hope he is the one for a lot of reasons - but there is one thing that bugs me a tad ..he smokes and she has lost the quit she had going!  Oh well, that's up to them to muddle through.  She knows I'm rooting for her 'forever ' quit!  ( his too for that matter!)

Anyway - I'm looking forward to a happy Thanksgiving ( so much to be grateful for).

I am excited for Christmas with my 13 month old granddaughter

I am thrilled for this wedding

and I am HAPPILY not smoking through ANY of it!


Have a blessed holiday

