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Share your quitting journey


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Im  new to this ex community have made the decision to finally quit smoking on thursday!  Have spent the day planning and trying to clean out smell and any ashtrays in my car! I have been a smoker for a very long time, this is no doubt gonna be difficult to do! but I know now is the time! want to feel better and be around in the future for my family! would appreciate any tips or ideas to get me through! thank u all


Hi Hello, Im pretty new as well at this site !! daysmtoday. Im here to tell you these people are AWSOME. They are very informative as well as EXTREMELY supportive. THeir all pretty smart too. Im  sure you will be guided to the proper site for info as I have been . Im not to good ast this computer stuff yet so someone will get your messsage and you will be on your way. I moight add from myself to keep comimg back and stay close. Im beginning to feel like I just MAY have something to offer. If nothing else just a person on theother end of this line.



Welcome Kym!

Congratulations on your decision to quit. you will get some helpful tips, guidance, and advice. Stick around!


Hi Kym and welcome to the EX community, it is a great place for support. There will be some elders here to give reading assignments and info to get you on your way to being smoke free. Congratulations on the decision to quit smoking.


Check in here a couple times a day.  You can do this!


hop on my page by clicking my picture or my name and view the video and suggested readings


Hello and Welcome, Kym! We are all glad you are here. Youngatheart or Jackie usually do a welcome thing. I don't know about all that. haha! But I can give you some good links so you can begin reading. You will need to educate yourself about the nicotine addiction, be willing, determined,and committed! You can do this, Kym, just hang as close to us as you can!

Here are some links to get you started

A list of things to do instead of smoke

I would also like to invite you to join the daily pledge group, I will give you the link to my page and the pledge info and a whole bunch of other stuff are on there.

and here is a real good page to visit, Dale has been around here for a minute or two! haha! years!

If you need anything else just ask, many folks here have a lot of information on their pages! Just feel free to look around! ~Terrie~

Don't Quit on your Quit!


btw! Very nice to meet you! You have made a great choice to Quit smoking!

Don't Quit on your Quit!


Congratulations you have set your quit date, thats a big step. Now I am a newbie 21 days into my smoke-free journey. Do your homework, read everything on the website, and the blog links....gets your mind set in the right direction and make sure to write down your triggers on WHY you smoke....they will haunt you later, be aware of them at all times. Your cravings will come frequently in the beginning. Take deep breathes, and talk to yourself of WHY you are quitting. The urge will go away they say 3-5 minutes. WAIT, it is well worth it. Day by day it will get easier. Remember if you do smoke those urgese and cravings will NEVER go away. You must be smoke-free to get rid of them eventually....My favorite logo N.O.P.E(not one puff ever.) Stay in touch with the community....please feel free to add me to your friend list and we will support each other all the way. This is what will help you get through this, the time is NOW. Best of luck, I am SO happy I quit. 


Welcome, Kym. Planning for  urges once you quit is very important--can't  stress this enough--the how to quit pages on Ex will be very useful. Quitting is a one day at a time journey, yet sooner or later the recovery you crave will come to you. A joyous day. At first you might feel some discomfort, but lean upon your plan and make use of your crave/discomfort strategies. High five! Work it.



Hi Kym sorry I am late but I had to be pointed in your direction.  Anyway you may have some of this informaion. Education is the key to a successful quit. Here are some links to help you get a jumpstart. 

Read: Freedom from Nicotine My Journey Home and Nicotine Addiction 101         

Here are the links

Also Read   Allen Carr’s book, “Easy Easier Way to Quit Smoking”.       

The link is here:

Go to the home page  click on   About EX tab and get started. 

We will support you. You are in your journey for freedom.


Hi Kym, your enthusiasm is encouraging!  Thank you for sharing... I just set my quit date.  I also have been a smoker for a very long time and I am so thankful that there's a community here for support.  I will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way!!


Hi Kym,

Congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking!! It's the best thing you'll ever do for yourself!! I smoked for almost 47 years - far longer than I like to admit. I tried to quit numerous times through the years, and even made it a few times about 6 weeks. When I quit February 19th of this year, I had finally reached the point I was disgusted with the habit, tired of feeling bad when I did smoke, and just plain mad at myself for not quitting. Getting mad, really mad, had never happened before. It's obviously what I needed to push me to becoming a non-smoker. I haven't had a cigarette since February 19th. You, too, can achieve freedom from smoking. There are lots of folks in this community who are here to help you through the tough times, will provide tips to assist in achieving your goal of remaining smoke free, and walk with you through this journey to freedom.

Wishing you all the best. It's an awesome feeling - I truly want you to experience how good it feels to be a non-smoker!!
