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Share your quitting journey

Hello Again (Day 33)

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I have been coming here every day since I quit smoking which was - Oh Yeah! - 33 days ago. Woo-hoo!

I stumbled upon this site 3 days before my quit date as I was looking up websites to help me quit. What a powerful and beautiful thing it is to have this much support, guidance, and personal expertise. I started blogging daily, then less frequently as it became easier. Lately I pop on in the morning to read and occasionally comment.  However, I just realized that I have not written anything myself in about 10 days.

Well, why would I? I'm feeling well. Things are going well. I have even successfully weaned myself off the nicotine patches without problems. I only have occasional thoughts of smoking that I quickly stomp out. I still keep my tool kit close by just in case and come here for inspiration. 

Why do I need to post a blog? To mark milestones? To say "Hey, I'm still here."?

Maybe I don't. (Obviously I am anyway. )

But then I remember that reading how others are doing, seeing that things get easier, and knowing that someone has "been there, done that" have helped me get through my hard times and increased my resolve to remain smoke free. 

So, here I am. Smoke free. Happy. Living. Breathing. 

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About the Author
I am 47 years old and have smoked on and off for about 30 years. I am also a single mother of the most wonderful 13 year old son.