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Share your quitting journey

Hard day

0 7 24

Hello everyone. I just joined this site. I started the patch oct 24 and I am on step 3 now. Today is a very tough day. I want to go out and buy a pack of cigarettes. Instead, I am writing this blog. The mornings are the hardest but I have overcome them all. I do not want to smoke but my brain is saying something different. Why after all this time do I feel like this??.??


Wow OG (opticsgal)!

If you made it this far- don't EVEN go and get any smokes! What a waste that would be now wouldn't it!!! Just think how good you smell right now... how nice your breathing is... heck, you're there! Don't give up!!!



Great idea to blog instead..... I would think that part of the problem is the fact that you are still getting nicotine from the patches. So, once you wean off of those - things will get better and better!! The great thing is - YOU ARE NOT SMOKING!! So - stick with that!

   Welcome to the site! Congrats on your quit! Many of us here swear by doing a lot of reading - to change how you think about smoking. So read, read, read  - blogs here, the free course at: and Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" -
   Again - welcome!!

Congrats on being smoke free so long.  Soon it will be three months!  Welcome to the site!  You can do this.  You haven't completely worked out the physical addiction since you are still going throught the patch program and the mental addiction can last up to four months they tell me (I'm not that far yet).  So even though it has been a long time, you are still not out of the woods.  But don't give up!  You are doing so well!  Did you do any reading to learn about nicotine addiction?  I recommend Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smooking free ebook.  There is a link to it on this page.

Just come here and blog when you feel the urge to smoke.


take a deep breath your over the worst part, way to go yipee!!! just the think of all the money your saving.


You're doing great!! I agree that the continued administration of nicotine probably has something to do with cravings....

But you'll probably always have thoughts about cigarettes (albeit less and less as time goes by)...the way you put it is great - "my brain is saying something different." Your brain was used to a chemical, administered a certain way, for a long time. It learned to rely on it, in a sense. You, however, are stronger than chemistry. The rational part of you knows this. It's okay to have those thoughts - as long as you recognize them for what they are (the addiction) and keep on being positive about your quit. You're almost at 3 months - you're doing GREAT!!!


Unless you do the mental work of freeing yourself from addictive thinking then you will continue to have problems. Quitting smoking is so much more than not smoking - it is dealing with the addict within and conquering that addictive voice. Do the reading that Katherine offered you and it will pay off in SUCCESS!


I am only on day 2. When I get as far as you, I will NOT smoke. You shouldnt either!