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Share your quitting journey

Hanging by a thread

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I am in day 4 my nerves are shot can't sleep, but i have saved my lungs and a few dollars by not smoking I am adding up what i save daily planning a trip at years end if i can get thru today


Do not give up! You just have to keep thinking about how much better you will feel each day when you wake up. Drink TONS of water!


This reading will allieviate your anxieties...

The most IMPORTANT thing you can do for your quit now is to educate yourself about the addiction and the mind games it plays on us....READ,READ,READ for a successful quit...the more you read, the EASIER it is...


CHOOSE to quit smoking, not TRY. Educate yourself by reading these links that most of us have used to help us quit and STAY quit! This is about making a DECISION to never put another cigarette in your mouth, mean it, and be committed to follow through on that decision. Also allow NO excuses AND hang in there for as long as it takes, no matter how uncomfortable you become.... This is about re-learning your life WITHOUT cigarettes....start changing your "normal" routine....because a smoker's routine revolves around cigarettes. You will be a nonsmoker so change how you start your morning so it doesn't revolve around cigarette breaks, etc. You CAN do this! ....


Allan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking -

Also, use these coping techniques...they really work...

Stay close to this site and remember NOPE=Not One Puff Ever...and as long as you stick to this ONE SIMPLE rule, you will the meantime, drink plenty of fresh cold water to rid your body of the toxins,6 smaller, nutritious meals throughout the day to keep your blood-sugar levels steady, (don't diet!)......and it will keep your blood sugar level and the low blood sugar induced fogginess and craves away.


....take big arm STRETCHES as often as needed to relax tense muscles and most importantly, take big DEEP BREATHS TO RELAX AND RELIEVE anger... take a nap, take walks, stay buzy with something you LIKE and brush you teeth immediately after each meal...stick your head in the freezer and DEEP BREATHE....If you bite into a lemon, the smoking thought will be gone instantly...try it, it works, also suck on sugarfree hard candy or lollipops and one of my friends here says be sure to use the Halls mentholyptus cough drops......Be prepared in advance for it,not surprised by it...Smoking thoughts only have power when you have fear. Face it head on and do not try to run or hide. You have the strength and power to tell it NO...You have the CHOICE to tell it NO. Each time you get a smoking urge, immediately DISTRACT yourself and kick the thought out of your head!!!


Go over the exercises you did on this site, make sure you are eating a good variety of food and maybe (just maybe?) use the money you've already saved on treat for yourself today or this weekend? You deserve it!

And don't forget to use other resources such as state/local quit lines where you can talk to someone (or chat or email) trained to help people quit. It's all free and it's just to help us quit. Why not use it?

And yes, water. Lots of water!


Someone once told me to use to acronym H.A.L.T.. It stands for the four biggest reasons people will cave in to a craving. It stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired.

Bear in mind, if you are feeling any of the four of these, mitgate the issue. Note that wanting a cigarette or needing nicotine is not one of the four. Nor will a cigarette change any of the four.

I myself am Tired at the moment so since I can't nap right now, I going to go get another cup of coffee to mitigate.


You're doing great, you're in the middle of the hardest part, don't give up! The only way out of this is to keep moving forward. Close your eyes and take a deeeeeeeeep slow breath, then let it out. Reach your arms over your head and strettttttttch for the ceiling, as far as you can, then a little farther. You'll get a little rush of endorphins that will instantly calm and soothe you. You can do this!! 



Brilliant acronym.


"Bear in mind, if you are feeling any of the four of these, mitgate the issue. Note that wanting a cigarette or needing nicotine is not one of the four. Nor will a cigarette change any of the four".

Thank you Connie from mirabella2013.. (newby).  Off to mitigate.


🙂 glad to help!


Thanks every body the encouragement really helps


No question about it...the first week is challenging! You are making it thorugh the most difficult time! Jumping jacks really helped me to remember to breathe deep...couldn't even consider a smoke after 30 of those!

Check out this link...also helped me a lot...


You are doing so great!!  You're almost through the most difficult part, so don't give up now!  Read the things Nancy and joy gave you links to, it can help sooo much!  Sleep as much as you can cuz your body is healing and needs it. Water, juice (to help sugar levels) mints, and laughter. Watch or read a comedy of funny video. You can do this, and we're all here for you!!