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Great sadness

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This is almost too much to bear. Little Abbey is having a chest and abdominal ultrasound followed by a withdrawl of fluid from her lungs The prognosis is grim. I know life isn't fair but this is all too much.

I may or may not be smoking tomorrow but I am now. I may be a hopeless case. It just hurts so badly.


I am so sorry! Your not a hopeless case--you have to change the way you think. Somehow it seems you think that smoking will help you but instead all it has done has added to your pain. We are here for you but you have to be there for yourself too.



i'm sorry for the situation.

there will always be something to smoke over if you let it be so.


I'm sorry about Abby, but smoking is not going to help or bring her back. Do the breathing exercises and read.


Sorry I don't know what to say but I'm sure smoking will not help hang in there 


No, no, no. This isn't fair! 

Can I blame you? No, I cannot. If I were in the very infant stages of a quit and got such news about Sammy, I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing.

I just can't help but wish you still had the months-old quit. You did that one, even though you were deep in mourning Matilda and just got bad news about Rusty. You made it through that difficult time that I can only begin to imagine.

You could make it through this time, too, if you want it. I won't judge if you don't want it right now. It's overwhelming, it's frightening, it's heartbreaking. But I hope you find comfort in knowing that it's a choice you're making now, that at least this is in your power.

Sending you all the love and hugs I can. I am just so sad.


Stop it right now!!!  There is never a reason to smoke; there are only excuses.  I know it's difficult when things seem to keep piling on early in your quit, and you deal with so much already........but (tough love alert!) - do you want to deal with all these issues while carrying an oygen tank around?

I am sorry your "baby" is having bad health issues - but you have given her happier days than she would probably have had without your love and generosity.

You are NOT a hopeless case - you are just not feeling strong right now.  Get back on track just as soon as you can.  Review the reasons you quit.  Keep your list of distractions handy and USE them.

I hope you feel my arms around you, holding you tight and, hopefully, giving you strength.



whenever i find myself in stressful situations like this i always ask myself is this something that would have happened even if i was smoking.... and am i better off not smoking during this time......


there are always things in this life that we have no control obver... and there are things that we do what cartegory does smoking fall under.....


for me it falls under things that i can control....


So sad to hear of Abby's troubles. Will pray for her recovery.

As Dale & others mentioned...:There'll always be something to smoke over if you let it."

Keep on keepin on,

Mike n @lanta


May I say something?  I just had to put my beloved,beautiful Chesapeake Bay retriever to sleep 2 weeks ago.  I sat with him crying my heart out and felt him take his last breath.  May I say how wonderful it felt to not smoke over it.  With love and prayers.  Barbara 


Don't give up on yourself- learn from the experience. Smoking does not make a bad event better. Wishing that Abby getts better and you feel better too.


I'm so sorry about Abby.     And about you smoking through it.

This is not meant to be a "yeah me moment" but I really wondered if I would smoke when Mary died.....I mean, I thought about it ahead of time and wondered if I would and would I forgive myself if I did.       I thought about it....yep, I did.    And I decided that smoking wouldn't bring my best friend back.       

I pray that you will not let this be a reason for you to continue to smoke.   

It will not will only hurt.

Love you......and you are NOT hopeless!



I lost an 18 month quit, when my cat had a heart attack and died right in front of me. I went straight to the store and bought smokes. That was back in 2010. I am 4 yrs free and counting. I am so sorry for your sadness. Please, know that you are loved♥


Oh no Janet! I am so sorry! However, breaking that connection in your brain that somehow cigarettes are going to help with something like this - well, that's what this is all about! Like Dale said - there will always be something happening - that is the nature of this life! I went into my quit with "death of a pet" being at the top of my "What it..." list. Would I smoke if...... Well, first my Golden Mandy died. Then My beloved cat, and my little dog Lucy...... I loved them all and it was unbearable.....but, smoking would not have made it any more bearable! I promise you that!! I absolutely promise you that. 

Please take care - and feel the love from your friends here!


I am so sorry!  Hugs and love!


NO WORRIES YOU ARE NOT ALONE♥ your doing what ADDICTS do using your drug NICOTINE TO COPE WITH YOUR feelings♥ i did it for 38 years♥ i TRIED to quit since 1988 and then i just fell to my knees in my kitchen and cried out to Jesus and said if you dont take these cigs from me  i am going to smoke them till i die♥i was given a COLD TURKEY QUIT ON JAN 6TH 2011 and i stayed on this site and at and watch Bryons early death video which brought ME OUT OF MY DENIAL ABOUT MY NICOTINE ADDICTION NOT ANYONE ELSES♥ and i stayed on this site for 90 days just reading and BLOGGING MY EMOTIONS AND RAGING AT WITH DRAWLING FROM CIGS FOR 38 YEARS AND IT TAKES TIME TO THINK IT OUT ALL THE WAY THROUGH AND TO BELIEVE AND TRUST IF OTHERS CAN SO CAN I♥ i blogged blogged blogged and i was NOT HERE FOR A POPULARITY CONTEST I WAS HERE TO SAVE MY BUTT♥ i vented WHATEVER I HAD TO AND ATE TONS OF ORANGES AND CHEWED TONS OF DOUBLE BUBBLE AND DRANK TONS OF WATER♥ i did all the SUGGESTIONS THE ELDERS TOLD ME TO AND I KEEP COMING BACK TO GIVE IT ALL AWAY FREELY FOR IT WAS GIVEN TO ME♥Thanks for saving MY life tonite for i was ready to HELP SOME ONE AND GIVE THEM HOPE AND BELIEVE YOU AINT ALONE JRC♥you can CHOOSE TO PUT THAT CIG OUT and begin this very SECOND with STAYING QUIT NO MATTER WHAT IN JESUS NAME HEALING BLOOD AND HIS FAITH♥ He aint got NO FAVORITES what he did for ME he will to for you just ask him♥Call his name Jesus and he will come running to love on you and help you to victory in him♥Thanks for letting me share♥ i love and only by GODS GRACE I REMAIN STAYING QUIT NO MATTER WHAT IN JESUS NAME AMEN AND AMEN♥


Oh Janet, I am so sorry about your pain......I know you are hurting.....You have certainly given Abby so much love and are an angel for doing so.....and this situation just stinks.....hope things turn out alright

....just know that you are in my thoughts....sending big hugs to you XOXO


I am truly sorry for your saddness. It is difficult to make a decision on someone you love, doesn't matter if that someone is animal or human. The love you shared between the two of you will last a lot longer than the cigarette will. Once that cigarette is gone, the pain will remain. Do not allow yourself to be a prisoner of tobacco darlling. Remember the good and the craving will pass. I am new at the whole quiting thing, and I know I have no room to talk about not giving in, but I will say that we all have control over our psychological actions, and smoking, I have noticed, is all psychological. My many blessings to you and what you are going through.


My heart goes out to you and whatever you decide to do,  I understand. Our animals are our furry children. I have had to put 3 dogs down and I tell you what it broke my heart. It is very close to loosing a child but not quite as bad and the deep lifelong broken heart.

I am here for you

God bless
