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Great book - How to quit without feeling s*it by Patrick Holford

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I read this book and it gave me a great insight to the addiction process.  This book covers all addictions but covers nicotine extensively.  Patrick explains the links between sugar and coffee cravings and nicotine cravings.  He recommends first quitting these and then progressing onto a slow cut down process for cigarettes.  I found that cutting out sugar was a huge help with dealing with cravings.  Before I was craving sugar but didn't realise and took it for a nicotine craving.  I was actually dealing with cravings for sugar, coffee and nicitone all at the same time and did not know, I was blaming quitting cigarettes for everything.  I failed on this attempt needless to say.  After reading the book I decided to have another go using most of Patrick's methods, I need at least one cup of coffee a day to get me going 🙂


If you are reading this site and thinking about setting your quit date I would give this book a go.  It can be hard going sometimes due to all the science and biology terms however you will be more informed about what is happening in your body as you go through the quit process which I found to be a huge help.  Knowledge is everything 🙂

I am past the four week mark and feeling great, looking forward to this time next year when I can say I am past a year. 

Wishing you all great success in your quit journey, one day at a time.
