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Share your quitting journey

Gonna do this!

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So new to all this blog stuff. Thought I would try this for support.  My quit date is November 2nd. Nervous? Yes. Do I feel good about this decision? Sure do. I need to do this for so many reasons. Ready to live a smoke free life!! I need all the tips, tricks and support I can get.


Alright!  You can do it.  I remember being nervous.  Work this plan here and do a lot of reading and posting.  I can tell you the smoke free life is really worth it.  You will get much support here and you can give support also.  It is good for us with a bit of time in to remember the early days.  We should never forget.  And remember just never take a puff and you will win





The most IMPORTANT thing you can do for your quit now is to educate yourself about the addiction and the mind games it plays on us....READ,READ,READ for a successful quit...the more you read, the EASIER it is...


CHOOSE to quit smoking, not TRY. Educate yourself by reading these links to the materials that most of us have used to help us quit and STAY quit! This is about making a DECISION to never put another cigarette in your mouth, mean it, and be committed to follow through on that decision. Also allow NO excuses AND hang in there for as long as it takes, no matter how uncomfortable you become.... This is about re-learning your life WITHOUT cigarettes....start changing your "normal" routine....because a smoker's routine revolves around cigarettes. You will be a nonsmoker so change how you start your morning so it doesn't revolve around cigarette breaks, etc. You CAN do this! ....


Thank you so much! Im so glad you commented. I am so new to this but I can see only positve coming out of this!  Comments like this is what I need!


Hi, I see you made me a friend! Well, let's be friends. How First to myself, then other's, how? By "blogging" what I am and are going thru. You see, when I smoke it tells me "all the things I want to hear". Come to find out it's all lies...Hey, I am not one to give "answer's" hell, I don't even know the questions. All I do know is that I need to stay "real" with this disease. Yes, it is a "disease". And when you get more "informed", the lies have "no" power. I can quit (even though it hurts even more then the first time I quit) anytime, it's "staying" quit. I am looking at the "good" parts of what I did to "stay" (1yr) and looking at what is was I "didn't do" this last time. Today, I smell pretty


Hi, I see you made me a friend! Well, let's be friends. How First to myself, then other's, how? By "blogging" what I am and are going thru. You see, when I smoke it tells me "all the things I want to hear". Come to find out it's all lies...Hey, I am not one to give "answer's" hell, I don't even know the questions. All I do know is that I need to stay "real" with this disease. Yes, it is a "disease". And when you get more "informed", the lies have "no" power. I can quit (even though it hurts even more then the first time I quit) anytime, it's "staying" quit. I am looking at the "good" parts of what I did to "stay" (1yr) and looking at what is was I "didn't do" this last time. Today, I smell pretty


Welcome to the site!  My advice is to do all the recommended reading.  Know your enemy and they have no power over you!  Once you have finished that, you need to make your plan, including what aid, if any, you will use; what you will do to ride out a craving in the early days, and how you will spend all the money you will save by not smoking!!!!  .The final thing you need to get in your head before your quit date is that you must be 100% committed to this effort.  You are not "trying" to quit smoking,  you "are" quitting smoking. Sublte difference - but it makes a world of difference in your success.

You CAN do this.  We can help.  Just ask for advice and support when you need it!


Welcome to the site.  Since I decided to quit and use this site as a support system because I feel like I am not getting the support I need at home in order to become and ex smoker, I can tell you that I really feel like I am doing a great job and this site is really supporting me in any way possible.  I have only been smoke free for   19 days. I am working on day 20 and I feel like I wish I knew about this site the last time I tried to quit.  There is a lot of information on craving tips, tracking your triggers, and things I would not even have thought of on my own.  Everyone that I have either read a posting from sent a message will give you whatever you need to become successful in your quit.  Whether it is information to read, advice on things that helped them out, or motivation, everyone is different.  I have never really been a blogger at all, I was always the one who says” why did I need to put information out there for everyone to see?”  Well, since then I love to blog, really just how my quit is doing, what issues I am having, etc.  It is really all about my quit that I blog about.  I really enjoy reading the comments.  In fact I enjoy reading comments so much that during the times I use to smoke I go and read my blog to see what people are saying or what motivation is out there to help me keep up my quit.  This site is really awesome and everyone here will help you in any way possible.  I also have been updated my face book status to let all my friends know what week I am on and that seems to help with motivation as well.  You would not believe the number of “Likes” you get.  Lol. 

I have a change motivational quote for you for your decision to quit “To change a habit, make a conscious decision, then act out the new behavior - Maxwell Maltz

Congrats on your decision to quit.