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God intervened on my behalf

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I went to work this morning and I was turned away. We cannot use you today, and call in before your next shift to see if we will need you then. Payroll issues and all. So I went home. When I got home I decide that is a valid reason to have a smoke, so I put $5.75 in my pocket, grabbed my super big gulp cup (refills are only 99c) and walked out of my apartment complex, across the busy street between my complex and 711, and into the 711 with the intention of buying some cigarettes.
In comes God:
[Before I left for work this morning I joined the small group: daily pledge, where I gave my word not to smoke for the next 24 hours.]
I walked to the back of the 711 to the soda fountain and filled my cup, then I went to the register to buy cigarettes and pay for my soda. Prices have gone up again on cigarettes don't you know. Because I had already filled my soda (with Diet Coke, no ice) and drank some of it, I did not have enough money to buy cigarettes. Now I don't know exactly how much I was short, I only know that I was short, because God sent me over there with only pocket change.
It's been 15 hours since my last drag. Maybe today I really will keep my promise (my first promise to the community here) that I will stay smoke-free for 24 hours.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"
"Blessed Be"
girl, i just beleive that you were short for a reason. that is what the daily pledge is for, to help us be accountable to each can be as calm as you make it to be, just do not even let the thought of smoking take root in your mind, push the thought out, and just breath deep peace!
I am a true believer that things happen for a reason. I'm proud of you for not buying that pack of cigarettes and sticking to your promise. Pretty soon you won't even think of cigarettes when you go to 7-11.
Good girl! Everything happens for a reason. God only gave you that much money because he knew you would need help resisting. You can make it 24 hours. That's the worst, I think. Then it gets better for a bit, then worse again. Just remember that everything would have still happened today, even if you would have made the decision to smoke that cigarette. I'm very proud of you ( =
I ditto Connie, if I may. 🙂 Blessed be back to you.
kittee--this post really blessed my spirit. there's a bible verse: i don't know the exact verse, but it basically says this, "when we're in trouble, God will always provide a way of escape." i know that this is true.

yesterday, as i was smoking, i drove to the pharmacy and bought a package of nicoderm. i only bought the one week supply for seven days, just in case i couldn't make it--i didn't want to waste money on the two week supply. when i got home, i read the package and realized that the step 1 was 41mg of nicotine. that scared me, so i decided to go back and get a 7day supply of step 1. when i got there, all they had was a two week supply of step 1. i thanked God for it and resolved to make the two weeks.

i'm so proud of you. it's such a scary time as far as the economy goes and stress can lead to cigarettes! i also thank God that if we trust him, we can ALWAYS find a way of escape.

this morning was remarkably easy. i put on my patch, took my b-vitamins and started drinking water. but by the middle of the day, i could feel my heart beating a little faster, i felt tired and i started to feel a little depressed. i didn't know what to do with myself at lunch. what? no cigarette? i thought about taking the patch off. i was getting a headache, i felt flushed. it wasn't worth it. but i stuck it out and decided to give it three days, since these are the reported side effects. i couldn't believe how much better i had felt this morning. how funny my food tasted today and how my house smelled of smoke when i got home (i don't even smoke in the house!) i say all this to say, i hear you and believe you can do it. we can only take it one day at a time.

connie! i just read your post! you had the same verse! that's how I KNOW--confirmation! you are such an inspiration and serving God by serving all of us. love 2 you!
I believe you were not supposed to smoke today and if you do it today, you can do it tomorrow too!
God is a way maker, if we give him the chance. He can and will bring us all through this Good time in our life. Smoke Free!!!!!!!!!!
Nicoderm 7mg baby! No cravings at all since slapping that baby on! It's probably all in my head but that's ok!
Yes is very funny how that works......also consider that the last thing you need to waste money on right now is DOPE that will kill you. I'm very proud of and THAT is the meaning of the daily pledge. I do it EVERYDAY for just that reason....One by one I build the NEW SET of memories that turn out to be ME RELEARNING all of life's ups and downs WITHOUT SMOKING.......Great job! Keep going! YOU CAN DO THIS!