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Getting Ready for a Storm

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Living in the South, tornados are pretty much a part of life.  Thank goodness, I have never been directly hit by one.  Last night my cousin posted on Facebook that it must be getting bad because his wife put on her bra, shoes, and wedding ring.  I feel pretty much the same way.  I want enough clothes on that I would at least be decent if I were suddenly without a home.  I then make sure I have my glasses, keys, debit/credit cards, cash, and fully charged cell phone in my purse securely by my side.  LOL - not sure I would be able to hold on to it during a tornado  but I suppose that I would make an effort.  I did all this last night, but last night something was different: No. 1 - I wasn't chain smoking and No. 2 - I wasn't packing away my cigs and lighter like they were my most prized possession.  In fact, I didn't even think about smoking at all during the several hours that I was tracking the storms across my state.  To those of you just beginning your smoke-free journey, give it the time that it takes for it to feel normal being a non-smoker.  You will get there, if you just give it a chance.

About the Author
I am a 65 year old single woman. I quit smoking at 55 and my only regret is that I did not quit sooner. Freedom from cigarettes is truly a wonderful feeling!