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Share your quitting journey

Freedom isnt free

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As I sit here listening to myself wheeze and struggle to breathe because I cant stop coughing I think about what Im going to do different this time.I think Im going to start journaling about each cigarette I smoke and why I am lighting up.I will also journal when I stop on Saturday on triggers when I crave.I should have been doing this a long time ago like my doctor suggested but Im stubborn and tend to want to do things my way.Well obviously my way doesnt work.So why not try someone elses way?What a concept.I truly appreciate everyone on this site.Thanks for not giving up on me.


Linda, You are going to have to man up it sounds like your health is getting worse..I know this is not a easy journey but what you are going through now is just a taste of what the future holds for you I have watched two people lose their lives to lung disease and it is not a pretty death.Maybe accepting the fact that you have to quit to live will help I journal here and I write to myself also. I can tell you why you are lighting up, we are addicts. Its a fact probaly you will find you don't have a reason to write down for smoking you have to feed the addiction.This quitting thing is not the easy thing to do but its the best thing to do. I found that this time when I quit the less I dwelled on smoking the better it was for me. join a support group locally if you can sounds like you need some support close by also.Hugs to You and I will pray you make it this time.....Deb


What counts is that you are finally going to quit. Just use your focus on staying quit this time and all will work out for you. Your health will be much better without smoking as you know . We are here for you. Choose to be really free. It is worth it.


Thanks you guys.I know its time to just do it.Sometimes I feel like Im losing my friend but isnt that an ubsurd way to look at it because I know it is killing me.I really want to do this and I too have watched two people die from smoking and lung cancer.I just have to change my thought process and I will succeed this time.I just have to keep telling myself I can not I cant!Thanks for your support.


Linda - Have you spent time on and read the Allen Carr book?  Both of these resources were extremely valuable for me.  And even today, even though I only have a few minor cravings per day, I do have frequent "brain chatter" thoughts.  The cravings go away in a matter of less than a minute.  The thoughts are just smoking related thoughts that are bothersome but they are not cravings, urges, or temptations.  I have found that the busier I am, the less I have these thoughts.

I have a friend (10 years older than me) who quit smoking in Feb when he had heart surgery.  Now he walks a mile every other day.  I walk a mile in about 15 minutes - it takes him 24.  And when he gets done, he feels like he needs oxygen.  I don't want to get like that.  So, he becomes a visible motivation for me to stay smoke free and exercise. 

So, it becomes very easy - quit and live, or smoke and die.  Pick one.


I really do understand and relate to your fears about quitting.  I was terrified of quitting but once I made the decision and started on the road the journey has been much easier than I ever imagined. 

Yes you do have to change your thought process but again its not so scarey once you just plunge in and do it! 


Hi Linda:

Writing down when/how/why you smoke is a wonderful idea and a huge step to quitting.  I smoked for over 36 years... loved my cigs and never thought I could quit.  I did quit last year (about 9 months ago) with the help of chantix but I am a firm believer in quitting gradually (although setting a date and cold turkey quits work for a lot of people).  Starting to monitor your smoking is the first step.  The next would be postponing a cigarette.. always paying attention to how you succesfully postpone.  You will fail at times and you will succeed at times but pay attention to what works.  In the beginning, you will only be able to delay smoking for a few minutes but if you push yourself, you will learn skills that will help postpone longer.  I too am stubborn and have to do everything my way so I know where you are coming from.   Use this site, read everything on the site and move forward gradually.  Good Luck!


Tracking the time and reason for each cigarette really helped me.  I used Chantix and had a week of smoking and tracking before the Quit Day.  It was such a relief to get to Quit Day and only have to decide to smoke or not to smoke rather than deciding if I really needed to smoke.  The writing down of everything really made me see how much cigs were controlling me and I hated that about myself.  Keep coming here and we'll work on things together.


I think it's very true what someone wiser than I said,,,, "It's harder to think about than to actually do."


I think it's very true what someone wiser than I said,,,, "It's harder to think about than to actually do."


Linda you can do this,  stop and think in 3 months september  would it be nice to have 3 months under your belt  hell yeah!!!  time keeps on ticking  smoking or not   get some smoke free time.... day after day after day  and smile   you can do this  lesa


Hey everyone I truly appreciate all your wise words.I am starting to get a little more confident that I can do this.I will do whatever it takes to do this this time.I am sick and tired of failing.Sooner or later I should be able to get it and its already later so I believe by george I think I've got this.You will never know how much I appreciate and love all of you for believing in me.My words could never express my gratitude for each and everyone of you.Thanks for not giving up on me.Linda


Hey everyone I truly appreciate all your wise words.I am starting to get a little more confident that I can do this.I will do whatever it takes to do this this time.I am sick and tired of failing.Sooner or later I should be able to get it and its already later so I believe by george I think I've got this.You will never know how much I appreciate and love all of you for believing in me.My words could never express my gratitude for each and everyone of you.Thanks for not giving up on me.Linda