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Share your quitting journey

Freedom Train Is Loaded Again! Look at this Crew!

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Good morning fellow Exer's! What a day we had yesterday! We had one awesome load of quitters yesterday, and today continues that trend! On the down side we had some horrible weather sweep the country yesterday! The victims of these storms will be in our prayers today! We also had a treasured member of our group leave us! Teresa! Whatever is going on, we are here for you! I promised to be here for you Forever! I will be, and I am!

The first stop for the Freedom Train this morning is NewJersey! We are here to pick up Denise! Denise does not know that we are coming! But our Research Dept. here at the Freedom Train has discovered that Denise, who smoked two packs a day for 21 years, has forgotten to smoke one for the last 800 Days! Denise reminds us on her page not to confuse a bad moment with eternity! Get into your best party dress Denise! We are going to rock the Freedom Train today!

The next stop for the Freedom Train today is in a familar location! Yep, that is Aztec's place we see over there! Yo Aztec! Do you hear a tap at your door? I know that you so busy reaching out to our newbies, and spreading a wealth of information to all who will take a moment to listen, that you probably did not even hear the Train coming! We are here because you have 750 Smoke Free Days! Get on this train Honey! We have some partying to do!

The next stop is in Maryland! Spunkie! Spunkie! Do you hear that Train coming? You need to get ready! The Freedom Train is coming to get You! You have 2 Years of Smoke Free living behind you! Spunkie recently witnessed the arrival of her 6th grandchild! While it did take some serious illness to make her see that she needed to be one of us, Spunkie has now been with us for 2 Years! There is a lot of the stuff the we see, and say here everyday that came from Spunkie! So even if you don't know her very well, Spunkie has probably had a hand in your quit! So welcome aboard the Freedom Train Spunkie! There is about to be a party!

Under the catagorie of housekeeping! Our Sweet, Sweet, JoJo is scheduled to get out of the hospital today! That is great news for all of us! Hopefully she will be here with her trademark LMAOLMAO! That would have all of us LOAO! Everyone give a nod to the Sheriff of Dodge City! (Not Bat Masterson) Dodge leaves no-mans-land behind today! Go Girl! And last but not least, thank you to all who responed to a sister in trouble last night! I will not detail it here! Kelly, we are so happy that you got past that trauma/drama Smoke Free! I have saved you a seat up front on the Freedom Train today! Come and breathe the fresh air of Freedom!

One last note! Looks like there is going to be a Bonfire at Connie's (Mothergoose9) on Friday night! Everyone add up how many cigarettes you have not smoked, and bring them to burn in the fire! Anyone needing help with the math, check with me, or see Connie's instruction for getting a counter! Now, Who wants to Party??

This Train is bound for FREEDOM from the Evils of tobacco and smoking!!




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