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Share your quitting journey

For those who are starting their blogs

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I found this site the most helpful.  My quit date was July 14th, 2009.  It has been tough, but I am still smoke free.  Finding your triggers and picking a date to quit is the best decision you will make.  Know that you are not alone and no one will judge you here.  My husband continues to smoke and sometimes I feel for him when he goes into the cold to smoke, but he admits that my quiting has cut down his smoking.  Our house smells more like Christmas this year because pine and cookies smell a lot better than cigarette smoke.  It is so nice not having to worry about being in a smoke free environment.  I enjoy meals, conversations, movies, and not being cold.  I am so glad that my grandchildren don't see  me light up.  I love the money that I have saved and have even started saving for a trip.  If I was still smoking, I couldn't do that.  Anyway for those out there trying to quit, hang in there, don't give up, and you can do it.   In one week, I will have not smoked in 5 months-believe me if I can do that, you can too.  Vicki