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Share your quitting journey

For You

1 12 23

~~The purpose of this glorious life is not just to endure it, but to soar, stumble, and flourish as you learn to fall in love with existence.  You were born to live, my dear, not to merely exist.~~  Becca Lee

Just a reminder.  For you...the quiet one reading posts and wishing you could quit smoking.  For you...the one who slips a lot and wonders sadly if you'll ever quit.  For you...the one who has successfully quit but always seems to be hanging on by a thread. 

And for all of you who want.  Who wish.  Who hope.  Who wonder.

Life is what it is.  Good, bad, stunning, awful.  It isn't about what happens to us.  It isn't about what we have or don't have.  It isn't even about what we do or don't do.

To fall in love with  It is about you.  What's inside you.  The heart, the spirit, the soul of you.  Being able to listen to the morning birds and feel peace.  Being able to sit in two hour traffic and smile at the child peering at you from the next car.  Being able to be that hope, that wonder, that wish that others need.

To be able to stumble and laugh at yourself.  To be ill and know with certainty it will be alright no matter what happens.  To be scared and go forward anyway.  To be alone yet content.  To feel the thrill of a win while understanding the defeated.

Smoking isn't who you are.  Addiction isn't all there is.  And to give you a quit on a silver platter will do nothing that allows you to soar.  So release that need to bury your existence and fall in love with it instead!  The pains, the discomforts, the falls.  The wonders, the magic, the heights, the majesties.  And everything in between.

It shows on my profile I have 1200 smoke free days today.  I have hit rock bottom...several times...and I have met personal goals as well.  I have loved, lost, been shamed, felt stunned, and survived.  And I never, ever have to miss the glory of life because I needed to skulk away to feed my addiction again.  Freedom!!  Because we were born to live, not just exist.

Just wanted to share....

I'm the one that's hanging by a thread. Thank you for this beautiful blog!



Beautiful post. Congratulations on 1200 days that contained everything from supreme joy to fear, sadness, and woes that you realized smoking would not affect in any way (except to hurt your health, which come to think of it would add to your woes). 


Nice blog Sheri I am not feeling so great lately I like to read your blogs they are uplifting !


Congratulations on 1200 days! A journey well worth taking! Thank you Sheri!


Everything in between.............those are the times, the in between times when life happens. To actually FEEL the feelings instead of numbing then with nicotine, THAT is living. Thank you once again, Sheri, wonderful!


Sheri, Congratulations on 1200 glorious smoke free days.  Keep dancing,my friend

Sending big hugs your way




Congratulations on 1200 days and another superb blog!


Awesome Awesome blog Sheri. Congratulations on 1200 days of freedom.


Great job on 1200 DOF. You are the best.


Great job on your 1200 I hope to see those numbers one day im only on my fist day. Susan

1200 days is awesome!

I wanted to share something with you. This weekend Brandy and I went to Walmart and they have some very interesting bicycle helmets. I tried on several and got some pretty strange looks but Brandy and I had a blast. He took some pics. on his phone so if I can figure how to post them on FB I will. The grand finale was when I played the little guitar and a lady told me to grow up. I said, "I have and it's a blast"!

Have a great Tuesday!