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Share your quitting journey

First time quitter trying to stay positive!!!

0 11 19 name is Jessica and I am 35 years old.  I have been smoking since I was 21....when I entered the "bar" scene.  I use to only smoke when I drank, but when I started having children I started to smoke once in the morning before they got up and one in the evening after they went to bed. Yes...I was a closet smoker!!!  I did increase the cigs when I was drinking alcohol.  Anyway, I started to find myself "sneaking out" to have one more and more, so I decided enough is enough.  I was also diagnosed with asthma from my doctor and he stated if I did not stop I WILL have COPD in less than 20 years.  I got a number to a counselor through my local hospital and started to see him on a weekly basis.  My quit date was 6/14/ far so good.  I do feel a little moody, but I swear the urge is hitting me A LOT!   He did provide me with the nicotine gum, but I just don't think it's "hitting the spot".   I'd like to talk to someone who just recently quit as well.....Give me some pointers..PLEASE!

Thank you:)


Hi Jessica -- Congrats on your decision, and welcome to this site!  My advice -- read, read, read. The more you understand this addiction and the mind games that go along with it, the better armed you will be to defend your quit. There are a bunch of good resources out there; one that helped me tremendously is It has a 10-chapter easy to read lesson that will really help you see things in a new way.

Welcome aboard!


Thank in the heck do I get my picture on this site?


Click on the Edit Profile button on your page. Then click on the words Edit Profile Icon. THen follow the instuctions there!


Here's another site to look at. Scroll down half way on the page to read about what to expect at the beginning of a quit.

Also here is a link to a free download of a very wonderful book that has helped so many people here. It is a fairly short read and in some instances repetative but I think that was intented by the author.

In the meantime please make sure to drink plenty of water and some juice. It really helps.


Welcom home! ur in the correct place for help , support , compassion and new IT friends! keep b logging, u r needed here    ♥


i never used the gum ... but i guess if it works for you then use it... i just wanted to say the you will get moody  it is normal and will happen without warning... dont let it alarm you  you will also begin to cry for no reason... its part of getting well... dont let it scare you... your brain was affected by the cigarettes... and it takes time to heal


i am not a new quitter but, i know how difficult it can be, but do NOT let it winn. drink lots of juice, chew gum, suck on some hard candy, do what ever you have to do to break up the craves, they will get easier, i know you do not see it, but it will. i smoked for 42 years, and June 28, i will have three years as a non-smoker. belive me child, if i can you can, just be as stubborn as i am and NOTHING can beat you !

Welcome to the site! Congrats on deciding to quit! To prepare I did a lot of reading - blogs here, and the book and sites Maggie and Sarah gave you above. You can do this!! Stick around! 

Welcome!  Even though I quit 5+ months ago, I still consider myself a new quitter.  There are veterans around this website that have years of quitting experience! During that first week, it really helped me to stay active.  I avoided situations where I would be tempted to smoke-which required me to stop drinking for a while.  If you are used to smoking at night, blog and chat with us at night instead.  If you like to smoke first thing in the morning, try drinking herbal tea and doing some yoga in the morning instead.  How old are your kids?  How can they support your quitting efforts?

From now on, instead of thinking that "Nicorette gum just isn't hitting the spot" I want you to say aloud "Nicorette gum isn't hitting the spot on my lungs."  Makes a difference doesn't-smoking causes cancer, Nicorette will help you quit, but no, it's not exactly like smoking, it just makes quitting a little easier for some.


Thanks, dodge315....I am avoided the alcohol for a little while until I can stay strong and not get the stupid urge.  My children are 13, 9, and 4...I did hide the smoking from them for a loooonnnggg time.  I let them discover my addiction when I started to feel that I needed help...I did get the help through a local hospital counseling office...My breathing is still not the same, but I know it takes time.  Also, the funny thing is when I was pregnant with all three of my children I stopped cold turkey during those 9 months...I didn't want to expose my children to the harmfulness of the smoking.  That's also why I hid it and never smoked around them.  When I wanted to be "discovered", I started to lay the packs in a noticeable area...The things we do!!!!!!! 


So of course I relapsed.....I feel soooo pathetic....but I feel I can't get through this stage of raising my children without destressing from cigs.  I know it sounds "weird", but it seems almost everyone who has quit does not have little ones.  They raised their children with the help of destressing from smoking and then when they were out of that "phase" of life, they quit.  I can't help but keep thinking that way.

The last cig I had was last night with a beer around 10:30pm.  It is now 11:30 am and I have not had one.  I do not have a pack either, so I know that is helping me.  My hubby is running errands and I am doing EVERYTHING I can not to pick up the phone and call him to pick me up a pack.  He quit 7 years ago from smoking a pack a day.  I only smoke around 3 cigs a day, so he feels that's really not doing me any harm.  I can't help but sometimes feel that way as well. 

Is anyone out there who can write to me and help me change my thoughts and views on smoking......please!!!