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Share your quitting journey

First blog post ever in my life!

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I can't think of a better place to  be a first-time blogger than a quit-smoking website. My (second) quit date is tomorrow, June 16. I had quit for six years and then about 10 months ago said, "I just want to try one." Ugh. Don't do it! Don't think you can get away with this. I had originally chose a quit date to be about 10 days ago..and that didn't go so well. I want more than anything to quit smoking...mostly because I want to live long enough and be well enough to play with grandbabies if I am ever so blessed to have them. 🙂  I want to be a source of encouragement for others, too. I believe this will have the most impact on my own success. I'm a great motivator and encourager of others...just not so good at taking my own advice!

I wish you all a great day. If I can help in any way, please let me know.