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Feeling Irritable

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Today I am beginning day 18 without tobacco. What I have noticed is the nicotine patches are making me very irritable and fast heart rate. I am currently using the 21 mg patches and leaving it on 24 hours before reapplying. I am considering stepping down today to 14 mg and taking off at bedtime. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.


It is probably a good idea to step down to 14 MG.  In the past I had quit (a short lived 6 months) using 21 then 14, then I stopped it all together because I got sick.  But I remember when I used the 21 mg: my heart was racing, and i could not sleep, or if I managed to fall asleep I had many nightmares.

I quit when I was smoking more than one pack of ultralight/day.

This last quit (1 pack/day, the same ultralights), I used 14mg for 2 weeks, then a vaping device on and off, then I came here and dropped that too.

We are all different, but if the irritation is the symptom, that might be your mind revolting, missing its ritual (because you are getting the nicotine still). Or just plain, too much Nicotine for your body.

Play with them, use the 14 one day and see if it works better.

Congratulations on your decision to quit; best thing you could have done for your body and mind


Listen to your body.

The patch is not quitting for you.

I forgot to wear one my 4th day.

I got through.

I forgot two days in a row my second week so I put one in my wallet with a promise I would use it rather than smoke.

If you haven't bought the 14mg, you might cut the 21's in half rather than spend the money on the 14's.

You can always buy the 14's.

I went from 21mg/day to 0mg per day.

Trust yourself

It's okay to test yourself. You can always slap on a patch if need be.

Most Important. GET DOPAMINE. Exercise, Music, Hobby


Use some positive self talk

"I don't do that anymore."

"This will get better"

"Time is the healer"


Not an expert on the mgs, but you also might think about not wearing at night.  Congrats on that great 18 day quit!



Whatever you feel you need to do to keep your quit going, please do   JonesCarpeDiem‌ gave you some good advice as did Daniela2016‌.  I can't add much.  Just welcome!!  Glad you are here and super glad you are asking questions!!  We want you to succeed  


If something doesn't feel right about the patches, I think it is good you are stepping is still feeding the nicotine into your body...but you are  keeping the proud...18 days smoke ~ free is super...irritable is part of the journey...~ Colleen 117 DOF 


I think it's a great idea to take it off at night and also to step down to 14 the self talk that JonesCarpeDiem‌ recommended, it really DOES get easier.  Welcome to EX and congratulations on your quit, 18 days is great.



Well I went to 14 mg patches for the last 2 days and took it off last night. Today is day 19 tobacco free and feeling less anxious and irritable and hoping tomorrow will be even better. Thanks you for the support and encouragement


Good for you. You are making this happen!


Thank you, one day at a time


Yep, that's how it works, one day at a time and when that's too long, one moment or one feeling at a time will work.  There will come a time when you realize you did not even think of smoking for a certain length of time, maybe an hour or two or an afternoon or evening, it keeps building.  You are doing this.
