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Share your quitting journey

Feeling Blue...

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  Hello, all. I have to admit that the closer it get to my quit date (tomorrow), the more blue I become. I'm just feeling an overall sadness that is lingering far more than I care for. I want to be excited and ready, but I feel sad and hesitant. I know that this is the addiction side talking, but I won't let it lie to me. I WILL begin to feel the excitment and anticipation of quitting when I get more into my quit. Who knows? It could be tonight or tomorrow. I'm beginning to feel a little twinge of relief thinking that I will be a non-smoker before tomorrow. 🙂 Hope everyone is doing well.


Anticipate being free & all the benefits that go with it. You're not giving up anything Caingurl, you're taking control of your life.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Thanks, Mike! 🙂

You want to quit otherwise you wouldnt still come here. Make the choice to be smoke free, stick with it and move on. You know it wont always be easy but it is so worth it, get some smokefree days stacked up and you will see that sickerettes help nothing, they are poison, they make you smell, they turn your teeth yellow, you cant breath, they take all your money. You have got to understand you are giving up nothing but gaining so much by not smoking. CHOOSE LIFE MY FRIEND

Stay committed caingurl! Don't let the nicotine do the thinking. You control your mind. This is a great chance to start something new. Make a list of 20 things you'd like to start doing, and put it in action. 


I know, I know, it's really eats at you when you have to start over. Part of your mind is saying "you have to do this" and the other part is saying "Iam just plain tired of trying". So, maybe you need to write out a list of pros and cons for smoking. Yep, you heard me right, put the pros on one side and put the cons on the other. Now if you come up with ANY pros to smoking, please let me know, cause I can't think of one pro for having a smoke. After that I want you to think of how important it is to your moral to stop smoking and stick to your quit--cause I happen to know it is very important to you. Now, I want you to picture yourself; a member of the 6% club when you are at 365 days into your quit.



lol Judy621-NO PROS to smoking! Thanks, that helps.


Thanks, Louise and almondflour.


write this down


"think green"