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Share your quitting journey


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I had quit for three months and became really stressed out one day which resulted in me buying a pack of cigarettes. I have been smoking again now for two weeks. I feel like I have really failed and can't seem to get out of this mode. Failure stresses me out which makes me want to smoke -- such a vicious circle. Does anyone have advice?
yeah, at the end of the day, you lost nothing by going back on the fags - this is because you had everything to gain and nothing to lose in the beginning. Dont beat yourself up and understand that cravings for cigarettes (from nicotine) are gone after 3 weeks. However, the BRAIN thinks that a fag will calm you down when it will only stress you more for smoking it and there are no withdrawl symptoms to releave 😃

Jump back onto the horse and ride into the sunset 😉
yes quit smoking dont fail next time then you wont feel bad
You have to get back on the horse you fell off of and figure out why you fell first....then get your plan ready; you also need to educate yourself about your addiction, because your addiction contributes to your stress, not the other way around.....
You need to know that all craves will pass and you are the one that decides how you will let anything effect you. You can see the glass half empty or full it is your choice. Find ways to get past a crave for example go for a walk or take a bubble bath until the crave passes. You are in control of what you do and you need to stay strong. You need to go and take that pack of cigarettes and get really mad at them and destroy them now not later and get rid of all the ash trays and lighters. You can do this it is up to you. Keep reading all that you can on this addiction. Go and check out the group candid quitters there is a lot of good information in that group that will help you. Don’t give up on yourself you can do this you are worth it. So now go get rid of those cigarettes ok.
You have not failed. We have an illness - an addiction where we can relapse. The only "cure" is abstinance. You did right. You picked yourself up again and did the right thing! Keep up the good work!

I went 1 1/2 years and started back and haven't stopped again. I know the feeling. And I feel bad b/c I am still smoking. I'm hoping this online group will help this time. But I have to do some work too. Stop - and fight the cravings. And do what I need to do - call someone when in trouble, etc
Use the guilt you feel to motivate you to quit again. It's amazing how our defects can be used as assets. If you get a craving, procrastinate on lighting up till the craving goes away. Any reason to light up is a lie. We have an addiction that tells us we don't have one. Don't let people, places, or things get in your way. I'm real happy for you that you're trying again. The last time I quit I didn't smoke for 19 months. Then one day I got real mad about a situation and I lit up. It took me 30 years to quit again. I can't do anything about the past, but I can focus on right now. What I do right now will affect my future.
The first thing you have to do is stop using "I was really stressed out" as an excuse for your choice to return to full-time smoking and nicotine addiction. That "stressed out" stuff is just nicotine junkie lies used as rationalizations for smoking.

I don't know why you decided to throw away three months of hard work to get the "pleasure" of smoking 7500 cigarettes this year (assuming a pack a day addiction), but you might want to figure out what went wrong and why you couldn't continue a personal commitment to never take another puff. As long as you aren't ready to accept that reality, then there isn't a whole lot of point to going through the effort of quitting.