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Share your quitting journey

Eight years and firing squads

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Thank you to JACKIE1-25-15 for her very sweet blog and for the great ride on the Freedom Train. I am celebrating my 8 year anniversary today! And trust me - I celebrate each and every day!

As I started my guit on June 12, 2010, I wasn't sure about 8 hours...or 8 days! But, the support here made me believe that after 40 years, it was possible to quit! That support made the difference and to this day - I thank the folks who were here when I arrived and who gave me that support! And - as amazing as it may sound - so many of those beautiful people are STILL HERE - helping others. As I often say, that is the power of this place! 

When I was starting my quit, I heard a few people in my real life say that they had quit "years ago" - but that they still wanted a cigarette every once in a while. That alarmed and worried me - I wanted total freedom - I wanted to truly believe that smoking never gave me anything of value and that I never wanted to smoke again. That was a lofty goal! But, I really believed that unless I knew in my heart that I didn't want to smoke - eventually I might go back. The image from old movies of someone facing a firing squad and being given a "last cigarette" came into my mind. I wanted to reach a point when I would TURN DOWN that cigarette! That even when faced with that final moment - knowing that it wouldn't make a difference - I would still realize that N.O.P.E. (Not One Puff Ever) was the only way to live, or die! At first, early in my quit, as I imaginied this scenario - I couldn't picture turning down that final cigarette. I continued to work at it - I continued to unbrainwash my mind so that I would truly KNOW that smoking never gave me a darn thing. It took a while - but, it happened! 

Again - thank you to all of you who were here when I arrived in June of 2010 - and to all of you who have come here since - we all make this community what it is - and each of you make a difference in my quit! 

PS - Last Year, I mentioned my bracelet I purchased early in my quit. I just added a new bead! Also - notice the charm in the middle - a butterfly - such a perfect symbol for our FREEDOM! IMG_4139.JPG

About the Author
I live in Greensboro, North Carolina. I have 2 cats - Monet and Holly. I retired from teaching special education in 2004 and then taught part-time until 2013. I quit smoking on June 12, 2010 after smoking for 40 years! I am amazed daily - still - by the glory of freedom!