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Share your quitting journey

EXtremely difficult at times BUT EXTremely Do~able....

6 9 109

Anything in this life worth having takes time and effort and quitting smoking should be at the top of the list of things to do for our health family and friends BUT most importantly our LIVES because breathing is essential to living if we can't breathe nothing else matters! Once we've made the decision to quit smoking THEN it's a MUST that we stick with it PLUS after decades of smoking we have to realize that it's bound to take time to relearn life without the smokes because every blessed thing we did was wrapped around them BUT boy oh boy it's definetly worth it PLUS we're giving ourselves the GIFT OF LIFE which keeps on giving day after day week after week month after month and Lord willing year after year and all we have to do is stick with our precious quits N.M.W!!!







                                   I need my third and final coffee before I start my day! 😃




Marilyn @MarilynH I needed this today...Thank you...

Rain all weekend...hubs and I are vegging today...going to see parents tomorrow ... end of next week Realtors start showing the house... 

It’s that kind of Saturday morning...still in my pjs....

~ Colleen 908 DOF 


Good morning , great post as always Marilyn . 

Going to get my first coffee soon , overdid yesterday planting my garage garden but it's looking good . Used to smoke in my garage , now it smells so nice , looks so nice , feels so nice . 

My deck is full of flowers . I think it will be coffee on the deck this morning after the dog has her walk of course lol . 




I understand now IS the time to be selling a house.  Stories abound of folks receiving lots and lots above listing price (high demand, low inventory).  Do you have a new home picked out?  Whatever - I'm glad to know you won't be smoking over any of it.


High today here in the mid-Atlantic is forecast to be 55 with rain.  Not an officious beginning to the start of summer, but know one thing:  I won't be smoking over it.

Glad you aren't doing that awful thing anymore, either!



@YoungAtHeart Nancy we have our condo in Florida...moving there and downsizing quite a bit.  Eventually, Neil will permanently retire...he was suppose to Jan 1st, then March 31st, then May 1st...of course it hasn’t happened, but we are moving forward with our plans.  We call him semi retired...always knew we would go back to Florida to live permanently...Oh it is a sellers market...and our house is “location location” we are in a quaint is in borough with nice neighborhood, but we can walk to grocery store, cobblestone streets with shops, restaurants etc., also, the septa train to take you to philly or New York...very desirable, my fear ... we will sell quick...I will keep you and all posted...

I agree with you not a good start to chilly and windy and rainy out...wishing you a peaceful Saturday....

Smoking doesn’t even come to mind...~ Colleen 908 DOF 


Hi Marilyn,

I'm here really late today, but not smoking.

Family meeting this morning, about Mom.

Went well.

No smoking for me today!

d. 13


You are doing super fantastic with your awesome quit journey Chris @Christine13 I've got your Mom in my thoughts and prayers, I've also got you and your Dad in my prayers. 💝 


Good Evening Marilyn

 I do hope you had a good Saturday

We made it to a high of 56 today and the rain just now stopped. 

All in All a good day and week.   All 3 boys stopped by today I should say 4 as Baby Buck was also here.  Donated Blood Friday and got a free pack of Oreos and a Cicada T Shirt.  Thursday had my CT Scan on my lungs although you always have that what if thought in the back of you head It came back fine. The nodules are the same size as they were almost 5 years ago.  

Yes it is so worth it



Nice post @MarilynH 


NOPE and NMW buzz words of this journey ! Thank you for reminding.

About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....