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Aside from the fact that lungs only love fresh, clean air, why is it acceptable to YOU to exchange one addiction method for another?  You don’t learn anything from smoking.  You learn from not smoking.  Using E-Cigs/Vaping IS smoking IMO.  (Doesn’t it require inhaling a substance into the lungs whether it emits smoke or visible vapor?  Does it even matter if the substance is labeled nicotine free?  Do you trust it?  It’s harmful to your lungs!)  


Why would I sanction using these devices?  Follow the money.  Look at who is manufacturing them.  We humans were given a brain so we can learn something.  Big Tobacco & other “entities” took us for a ride before so do we really want to go down that same path again?  The teenagers in the world are depending on us to get it right.


Notice the manufacturers don’t provide a Plan for usage of lower, measured, doses for gradual reduction of E-Cigs/Vaping to eventually eliminate them (it's up to the individual).  Noteworthy also is the fact that they have only claimed it to be an alternative to smoking not a cessation method.


Cessation communities should only “bless” alternatives whose goal is to eliminate an addiction.  To cite it being a better alternative to “smoking” is nonsense.   Manufacturers want to keep you hooked on buying their merchandise and at a higher volume than when you first start using their products.  


Again, don’t be fooled.  Cessation communities now include information (& make $$$ from their premium services) on quitting E-Cigs/Vaping.  Nobody should be surprised about this result, especially the professionals who sanctioned their usage previously (& still do) as a better “healthy” alternative to smoking.  Let’s ask your lungs their preference (which would be NONE).  


Our lungs don’t care that E-Cigs/Vaping is being mistakenly deemed as such & such percentage better for us.  It’s still being addicted to nicotine (do you even trust the labeling of these products?  If you use them as a alternative to NRT be sure to plan on how to stop using them.).  Time will tell the truth regarding the damage from them just like with cigarettes.  Popcorn lung anyone?  Don’t be their lab rat.


The ALA (American Lung Association) has it right.  As a volunteer certified facilitator to teach their 8 week smoking cessation course we have to sign a contract that we will not smoke for its duration which includes E-Cigs/Vaping. Lungs don’t know the difference.  Don’t let your standards down when helping people quit here.  (I recently saw an Elder suggest E-Cigs to help someone quit smoking.)   


Quitting smoking can be scary & cause much anxiety but if you are going to quit then go full out & don’t settle for less than the full prize … total freedom from active nicotine addiction and other “stuff”.  You & your lungs are worth it!


(As always, take what you can use & leave the rest.  My thoughts, my opinions, my post.)

(Just in today's news: ) 

About the Author
My quit is over for me. I no longer have to decide to stay smoke free, or reconsider it each & every day (or month or year). The choice to not smoke was made by me a long time ago, it’s been kept by me for a while, and being smoke free is now my normal way of living. Yes, I took smoking again off the table for me as an option from Day One/Won. Yes, I acknowledge that I will always be physically addicted to nicotine. Yes, I know I can’t have “even” just one or I will put myself at risk of a return to full-fledged smoking again. So what?! I chose to quit smoking. So I did it. I’m quit. The only requirement in order to Stay Quit is that I don’t smoke. As long as I don’t smoke my addiction to nicotine lies dormant. I don’t crave one and if I get a smoking “memory” it passes easily enough for me now (time & patience!) and life goes on smoke free. Smoking is never a solution to anything. It never has been & never will be for anyone. Smoking just adds a new problem to everything else. There will come a time in your smoke free life when you’ll need to just stop quitting & let everything having to do with the old smoking you go. I’ve arrived. I am at peace and so very grateful for my smoke free life. When you get there yourself you will be able to take the training wheels off & just get on with the living of the rest of your life. This is when your “End Journey” becomes the "New Journey" you get to actually design & live out smoke free for yourself. It's doable for everyone regardless of their circumstances or obstacles. It truly is and it's worth every bit of angst it takes to "arrive". Believe in yourself so you can achieve it too. Change what smoking means to you (educate yourself about nicotine addiction!) and then just begin. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Just Begin … "Until one is committed there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative or creation there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would otherwise never have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of incidents and meetings and material assistance which no one would have believed would have come one's way. Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it." W.H. Murray The Scottish Himalaya Expedition * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Helpful Resources: (Educate yourself on your nicotine addiction!) (Helpful for mindset. Free!) (It IS an addiction not just a bad habit.) "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -- Allen Carr (Works for some; find & do whatever it takes for YOU!) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *