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Drinking and Smoking

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Can someone tell me how I'm supposed to quit drinking wine AND quit smoking at the same time? I feel like I'm setting myself up for failure. I need help and I think that my smoking is the most hazardous. I've been smoking on and off for 60 years. Is there any hope for me?


 The reality is that the two don't go together in the first place. Drinking can lower your ability to resist the cravings that come from quitting. In my case, I was able to drink a few beers during my quit without a relapse but I think I am a major exception to the rule.

 Do you mean to work on quitting both at once or are you wondering wich to do first? If it were me, unless your addicted to the wine, I'd quit both at once.

I believe that you can do both at once easier than separately! Addiction FREE Living is a Prize worth acquiring! Besides, one triggers the other so how my question is how can you quit one and then the other?

I really like to drink, however I did not trust myself to have a drink for about 3 weeks. After a few days of not smoking I kinda pushed that back and focused on not drinking so I basically didnt dwell on the not smoking.  I smoked for 35 yrs, it consumes you, I know. They say don't quit everything at once, but for me smoking & drinking went well together so they both had to go, at first. I drink a few nights a week now and I am good with it. You can do this, just find what works for you without over whelming yourself at the same time. Deep breath, take it one day at a time. You can do this! 


Of course you can quit both at once.  You can always go back to your wine after a couple of weeks.  I quit coffee for a while (because it was a major morning trigger for me) until I felt confident enough in my quit.  I drank tea instead.  Maybe a non-alcoholic wine as a substitute?  Until you're strong in your quit.
The question you pose is just the addiction talking.  "How can I quit?" is what you're really thinking.  You don't want to and so are presenting the first of many excuses for failure.
If you MUST drink  (and none of us would advise it), then make sure you are not around any cigarettes.  OR have a very strong friend who will be with you in social situations to keep you from smoking.  If you're at home and want A glass of wine and don't have any cigarettes in the abode - that's going to be easier to deal with than if you're out in a group partying with smokers.  Can you at least stop drinking for a week or two?  Or have only ONE.  It's so very hard to keep a quit when you're drinking.  It's the biggest relapse trap I know.  If you are committed to your quit, you must allow nothing to jeopardize it.  The choice is yours.  We can only give you our best advice.  (Giulia 1.3.06)


It all depends on you. Their some on here that quit snuff and smoking at the same time. Drinking and smoking. Myself, I use to a be heavy drinker. To me giving up drinking  was much easier. Now quiting smoking is not easy, but can be done and your worth it.  just really educate your self about the addiction.  I also belive, what the others say is true.  drink & smoking kinda go hand and hand. but if I had to chose. limt you drinking , by reall cutting back. I would chose to quit smoking its really not healthy at all

Allen carr's easy way to quit

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renee day 6

There is hope. I am still tip toeing around drinking. My quitting smoking means too much to me. If you want something bad enough like quitting smoking nothing will really feel like your missing out. Do some research on nicotine addiction. Read allan carr the easy way.....I'm sure someone can get you the links. It can be done and you will thank yourself.

i am a tee totaler..i guess thats what you would call it i take a few sips and im through so drinking didnt effect my quit.. however if you do allow yourself to get buzzed... it would lower your ability to control your urges which would result in a relapse.. that is why it is advised against...

this is not AA , it is a quit smoking site, the advise given is on how to quit smoking,so please heed the advise...we have your best interest in mind


I agaree with Giulia.  It sounds like you're setting yourself up for an excuse to fail.  You can do both.  Or you can do the smoking and just cut out the wine the first few weeks.  Or are you an alcoholic?  Protect Your Quit.


Just a thought, but try drinking Martinelli's sparkling apple-grape. It is 100% juice and has helped me at cook outs and other family functions. Worth a try 🙂 Best wishes with your quit! Both of them!!


I  quit  both at the same time.......I found,  without a cigarette, I don't like drinking. Then, when I do drink.......just one puts me to sleep.....without the  stimulant of nicotine, alcohol just puts me to sleep.....just as well.....neither an activity is beneficial, anywa​y.