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Does anybody out there read the Blogs?

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I read them every day even after 4 years. I read each and every one of them.

Yet, I see people come here and ask the same questions over and over.

If you would just read the Blogs there are thousands of responses old and new that answer your question in every form from opinion to factual, from prose to poetry! 

What do we think of e-cigs, for EXample.... 

Which NRT is best.....

How long will I XYZ....

It's OK to ask and ask again but it's also amazingly helpful to read the Blogs.

Then you might not take the answers so personally!!!!

If you ask a question here - you will get an answer (or 2 or 10 or more!)

And you may not like the answer but we don't lie here!

We are all Addicts and using Addicts lie, especially to themselves!

Recovering Adicts have pledged to stop the lies about their drug of choice, NICOTINE!

Only when we stop lying can we move into FREEDOM!

Don't take it personally!

We are here to help you help yourself to save yourself!

The only thing personal is our best wishes for you!


Yes - ::-)


Personally, I blog as a release, as a way to prepare "my brain"  for this, and to reinforce that quit date.  One of the things people don't realize is that if your brain doesn't believe it, it's not going to happen.  It's like an inner monologue: I'm going to lose 60 pounds by such-and-such! Brain: Whatever!  That's not even realistic-- where's the cheesecake?!  I'll show YOU who's in charge!  

If you want to succeed, it's like brainwashing in a good way.  You have to do it in steps, kind of like leading a horse: I need to lose about 60 pounds.  You know, if I start eating healthier, eating less, and only when I'm hungry, plus start walking and eventually working out regularly, I bet it wouldn't be so hard. Brain: Hmmmm... you know, that really COULD work! Your brain is pretty cool-- it actually starts opening pathways to subconscious thoughts that make things possible and keep YOU from sabotaging yourself.  

The articles and studies I've read tell it a little more clinical than the way I said it, but I think my way is a bit more fun and simplistic!  The point is, I keep reinforcing the possibility, my brain gets convinced and actually helps overcome the sabotage I've hit before.  KWIM?


SO well done and so true, as always, Thomas.

Thank you.



Good point Thomas, read, read, read, then read some more.


Thank you Thomas

Some of them. Sometimes when they pertain to something I'm going through. Honestly, I have not read all 13,200+ blogs! What is NRT?? Sometimes I think people can be kinda jerkish on here when posting comments. I try to be kind and supportive when posting comments but I'm still early in my quit... and what is NOPE? I see that posted allot! I only have access thru an older smartphone so I am limited as to what I can see and download!

Great point!


Another tip of the hat to you, Thomas♥ I always devour your words. They are filled with loving wisdom♥


Ms. K, NRT is nicotine replacement therapy, NOPE is an acronym for "Not one puff ever" (surprisingly effective when some highly impulsive 3 second-long  urge lands on you to just take one puff on someone's cig).  Don't worry, just keep reading, you'll know all of them shortly.

Thomas, you're right, it's hard to know  so early in the quit that reading the blogs, all of them, is your greatest weapon against this addiction.


So true and well written, as always, Thomas. It's my new addiction to come here every day and read and write until I'm spent!! Loving wisdom, YES!! Thanks, Linda N. for the new term.

Candy      d202


Thank you, Thomas! Each time I greet a new quitter, I always tell them to INVEST in this community by reading blogs, commenting on blogs, posting blogs of their own, and acknowledging especially helpful people/advice. One has to actively JOIN IN the community to be A PART OF the healing offered by the community.


I read them, usually every day!  Sometimes they trigger a bit of a thought of a cigarette, sometimes I read them with no blips at all.  I figure every time I successfully kill the thought I'm getting better.

Storm is right - you do have to invest, and you have to return on that investment.  It's important.  After the better part of two years I see the patterns.  I see the words that I know will lead to someone's relapse.  I can hear desperation, and I can read imminent failure.  And conversely, I can tell when someone is serious.  When they mean it.  When they want it.  

It's been interesting.  And the blogs help me stay accountable to me.


So true Thomas.....and I am sending my best wishes to you! 


i apologize but i donot read them everyday...i ussed to but now i try not to spend so much time analyzing  this terrible addiction... when i do it seems i start craving more or romantisizing what i have given up...which in reality is nothing... ireality i am living a much better existence without the cigarettes...


then when i do come back on this site  so many blogs have been written that i cannot possibly read each one for the answer to the question that has been gripping my mind...


so i apologize if i ask a question that has been previously asked and answered...i also  apologize if i took something too personal cause this addiction has done something to my brain that makes me very sensitive and moody... im really not like that but going through the withdraws has done something to my nerves... some times i just want to shout or argue.. instead of smoke...not on purpose of course...but because i have failed so many times that i am frustrated not in you but in myself.. so please forgive me...

izzy day 158



Good topic Thomas......I agree and want to add that it is important to comment on the blogs. Now I cannot always read all of them...just do not have time if I miss a day or two to catch up. But I read a good portion of them. And I try to comment on those I feel I can share something with and possibly help or at least empathize.

I see so many who only come on and blog about what they are going through (which is FINE----GREAT!) BUT---they do not read anyone else';s blogs or comment! That's where the "support" comes reading about someone who is going through the same thing as you..

It is also how you really begin to meet people and make them your friend----as we both did those long 4 years ago!

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1