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Didn't expect this

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It's day 23 and I didn't expect to feel this good.  I go long periods of time without even thinking about a cigarette.  I'll admit that my first cup of coffee in the morning feels like something's missing and the end of the day sitting on the deck unwinding brings back fond memories but the urges pass pretty darn quickly.  I'm happy and laughing again.  My temper might still be a tad bit easier to ignite but I have found my sense of humor after misplacing it for a couple of weeks and the guy whistling at his desk behind may well survive another week.  25 years ago, I quit once for 3 months.  It was hell.  Pure unadulterated hell and I crashed and burned quickly and hard.  This time is so different.  I wish I knew why so I could bottle it and share it with others who are struggling. 


I am so happy for you that you are feeling good today!  congratulations on day 23!  I am on week 5, and feeling good myself!  I do know exactly how you were feeling regarding the mood swings, and things gettin on your nerves easliy.  Ticking sounds or anything loud and repeating still just goes all over me, cant stand noise of any kind! LOL!  Anyway, my moods have tapered and am feeling really good these days.  Cravings still come, but they are less and less all of the time.  I think what made the quit not as bad is a good attitude.  I am going to try to keep that in mind for when the cravings come.  I will just let them in, and not let them get to me.  Have a great week!


That's wonderful that you are doing so well with your quit! It's so much better when you embrace this new beginning called "quitting smoking", rather than fear, fight and loathe the idea.

I have had the same experience this time that you have had. At times I cannot believe how well it's going. Be prepared though for the moment, and there surely will be one if not more on your journey, where a situation/crave/? will arise, that will require you to redirect your thoughts and stay strong with your committment to NOT SMOKE. Not fixate, not panick,...just NOT SMOKE.

Then keep those plans in your head. Protect your quit, you are doing fabulous!. : )


A "situation" is my biggest fear right now.  I have two daughters getting married and another giving birth to my first grandchild this year.  So far, all has been going well since I quit.  My guard is up for the first time something goes wrong, bigger than just losing my wallet.  I have written myself a note to read should that happen.  That's what happened the last time.  My husband left me and the first thing I did was pick up a cigarette.  Then he came back which kept me smoking.  LOL  I am now rid of both of them!


A "situation" is my biggest fear right now.  I have two daughters getting married and another giving birth to my first grandchild this year.  So far, all has been going well since I quit.  My guard is up for the first time something goes wrong, bigger than just losing my wallet.  I have written myself a note to read should that happen.  That's what happened the last time.  My husband left me and the first thing I did was pick up a cigarette.  Then he came back which kept me smoking.  LOL  I am now rid of both of them!


There is no situation that we can not work through together! The diffeerence this time is hidden in the knowledge that you are not alone! There are people in our lives who will support us in the short term! But then they lose interest because they do not understand the need for on-going support! The people at this site are here to provide that for you! There is no mountain we can not move if we all push at the same time, and in the same direction! Freedom is ours for the taking!


congratulations on day 23 its only gonna get better from on out...


Wow, all of you are so right.  We can do this together and support one another. It does get better and better.  Protecting my QUIT each and every day!!