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Did I smell That bad? Ewww yes I did !!!

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I am a few short hours away from 4 months smoke free and I still get jealous of those that "APPEAR" to be having a good time out in the weather (be it cold hot windy rainy or in the area where I live dirt ) hanging with their friends while smoking only because I don't fit with them anymore.These people would rather not spend time with me because I am the outsider for not smoking with them.

What I would rather think of instead of that is the smells that I was assaulted with when I first quit. These smokers cannot smell fresh cilantro, hand lotion on the old lady, hair spray on the aging not so young lady, bubble gum on the kids, sugar on a bakery table, blood on a fresh cut roast, (even dirt in the air has a smell). These are the things that confused me when I first quit smoking, but I cherish every time I see those smokers that I no longer belong with gathered together having there fix, which keeps them from being able to smell all of the wonderful things that I can (now that my nose hairs and sinuses aren’t full of tar).
I also believe that non smokers that have never smoked don't notice the odors that they have had all of their lives. In my opinion that is probably why ex smokers become so intense on how bad the smell is because all smells are more intense to me now. That includes Cigarettes which is actually the only thing that I USEDTO smell.

My first couple of weeks smoke free, that fresh smoke didn’t smell good, but was alluring and very familiar. Now that I have been smoke free for a few days or so, cigarrette smoke stinks, but I try to remember the good smells that are new to me go along with the bad smells. Either way, 4 months ago this wasn’t something I would notice hanging out with other people having my fix.

I don’t complain to my coworkers that they stink when they come back fron break, or to customers that their car makes me want to puke because of the stale smoke that has been there forever. Instead, I try to remember that they don’t realize the smells that they are missing and say thanks for helping me to stay away fom smelling that way anymore.

As long as I keep it in mind that yes I did smell that bad (Whether I did or not) then Maybe it will help keep me from going back to that routine.


If anyone has any other smells that I can look out for please add them.

I am gathering new options for my nose.

I have been quit for 3 Months, 4 Weeks, 1 Day, 18 hours, 14 minutes and 46 seconds (119 days). I have saved $1,131.72 by not smoking 4,311 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 23 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 11/26/2008 3:47 PM