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Share your quitting journey

DebR Archived Profile

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This is day 5 of my Quit, and it is tough.  This is my tenth attempt in the past few years.  This time I have to stay quit.  Found out yesterday I have a blockage in my heart.  Scared to death.  I have a wonderful daughter, her husband, my beautiful little grandson and granddaughter, as well as, my husband and myself to live for.  There is so much that I love to do outdoors, which requires my energy and my breathing.  And a huge note, my hubby is a lung cancer survivor of three years.  His cancer was due to a 3 pack a day habit.  He quit the day the doctor gave us the horrid news.  And how I've felt so guilty smoking for these past three years.  I've put his health and my own in great jeopardy.  I have to 'do it' this time, I 'can' do it this time, I 'will' do it this time!!!  I'VE QUIT!!!  Now, I need to stay that way.  Help!!!

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rhode island


gardening, visiting with my beautiful grandchildren, birding, and walking., visiting with my beautiful grandchildren, reading, birding, gardening, and walking., reading, birding, and walking.


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