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Day three, still here.

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Today has been better than yesterday and I realized why yesterday was so hard. My son stayed home from school because he had a fever. My son has severe autism and is non verbal. He cries alot because of the communication barrier. I usually have the time he's at school to relax and I didn't have that yesterday so that added to my stress. Don't know why I didn't realize that yesterday. This site, talking about finding your triggers and about getting through stressful situations without turning to cigarettes has been a big help. Honestly, with all the stress in my life I never thought I'd be able to do this. A year and a half ago my daughter passed away and with my son it just, well losing weight and quitting smoking both seemed completely impossible. But it's not. I'm down 25 pounds, and three days without smoking. Admittedly I have put a couple pounds back on from the quitting smoking, but I'm back on track with that today, watching my calories. I decided to do this for my son. He's going to need lifetime care and I need to be around for him as long as I possibly can.