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Day three of getting really serious and two days left til quit day....

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Ok. So this is day three of really trying to cut down on the way to Sunday, my quit day. I tried medication but it gave me such insomnia that I had to stop taking it. I'm still determined to quit. I changed my quit day to about week later and really started paying attention to triggers. Late night and mornings are the worse, and when I'm driving it's really bad.

Question: Does having half a ciggarette and saving the rest for a later craving really help? Does it make cravings less because you are letting yourself have less or does it increase cravings because you are not having the amount of nicotene that you were used to?


I cut my cig consumption over 6 weeks before I quit.  I did that not just to wean away from nicotene I needed to train myself to do everything w/o smoking.  For me it worked better to re-learn things a little at a time before I completely quit. I'm now 61 days smoke free.

 I don't know that smoking just a half cig makes much difference as far as geting less nicotene?  IMO if you're going to light up just smoke the whole thing.  Eeeeiw stale twice lit butts never appealed to me anyway...LOL


When you eat do you always clean your plate? Same question.  My last days of smoking one cig lasted 3 sessions. For me it worked.


Congrats on your excellent decision to quit! You are making the most important decision of your life. It is important to remember that cravings are only memories of smoking. May I suggest you go out to to learn about what cravings really are? You are studying your smoking times and triggers and that's good. Have alternative behaviors ready for Sunday. Keep busy! Remember, a craving only lasts a moment or two, then it passes and after 3 days, all of the nicotine is out of your system. It is a habit that you have had for a long time (I'm guessing) so also remember to be kind to yourself.

Come out here to vent, we will listen.

Best wishes to you on a successful quit. Only you can make the choice. Choose life.


I agree w/ Anacondahead. Read all you can about triggers and how to get thru the really intense urges. Every single one of us can identify with what you are going thru. If you want, go back thru my blogs and you will see how bad I had it. I also reccomend that you go to, read the stories, take the help. It is a wonderful tool. And last but not least just do this hour by hour and day by day. You CAN do this. As of today I am 121 days quit and loving every second of it. N.O.P.E



When you quit you will feel so much better. The less you smoke now the better, however you want. You  put them down for good, then dont overthink it. Just do it and get it over with. Its not that bad or hard but you have  to want it like no win.


Thanks for the ideas and words of encouragment. It really helps me getting through the day! Everytime someone comments on my blog I get a message on my cell. It's so nice to have remeinders that:

1. I am not alone &

B. Other's have gone through this process and come out successfully and happier.

Thanks a bunches everyone!


You can do it, dear. Just make up your mind and BE HAPPY you are free.