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Share your quitting journey

Day 841 - I'M still an addict and so are YOU.

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It's been more than a year since I've written.  I'm a bit ashamed that I've not given back the way I intended to.  My last year and a half has been quite the doozy so just the fact I've survived and haven't started smoking again is a big enough accomplishment.  Although had I been staying connected during that time, maybe it could have helped.  Either way, wanted to hop on today to let everyone know I am still quit, I can't believe I'm approaching 1000 days!  159 days away seems like a drop in the bucket when I compare it to where I've been.

I certainly hope that everyone here is doing well with their quits and if you aren't, just remember, we're addicts, we can no more have a single puff than an alcoholic can have a single drink.  Keeping this in the forefront of my mind has allowed me to reamin strong rather than make me feel weak.  Believing that I'm an addict - while not addicted to any drugs per say - is something I'd never done during a quit before.  It's something I never allowed myself to believe I could possibly be.  Addicts are bad people, they don't have will power, they aren't trying hard enough.  These are all things I USED to think.  Actually, I didn't just think them, I knew these things. 

I simply wasn't an addict.  I was never going to be okay with that label...until EX.  It took reading the blogs of many people who had gone before me to realize, I in fact was an addict and if I was going to become a RECOVERING addict, this was the first hurdle I was going to have to overcome.  I will tell you it wasn't easy and the change in thinking didn't come over night.  Honestly, it likely wasn't even a fully conscious change.  I fully believe I was only able to change for a few specific reasons:

1.  I was READY to change.

2.  I was OPEN to change.

Because I was ready and open to change, I was in a great position to take what I'd learned from my past quits and apply them here with an open mind and willingness to just "see what happens".  I'm not a blogger but human nature says we love to share our stories so, it all works out.  What I have learned from my peers here is's nothing I could have learned from a book, it's all about knowing that you're human and others are going through daily struggles just like you are.  It's about knowing we can learn from each other. 

I am thankful for each and every one of you, new or old, on the first quit or the fifteenth.  Thank you for being a part of this community.


Wow!  This is a great blog from someone who has the "creds" to speak to all of us.  You are so right about the value of staying close to this site -- I am at Day 65 and I already know that the joy I've found in quitting is attributable to the ability to learn from and share this experience with the wonderful people on this site.  I also have accepted that I am an addict as well as the fact that I am giving up NOTHING.  So when my addict brain tries to romance me, I know it for what it is.

Thanks for coming back to share this!


What an inspiration to all the newly quit this blog is!  Thank you so much for posting it!



Wonderful post!!! I am in day 851 quit buddy!!!

Ready to change....ahh yes! xo


Thanks Joy, I'm thrilled you are still doing well with your quit.  We've come a long way!




What a Fabulous blog!  Uplifting and full of the wisdom you took, ingested and are now passing on.  Don't be such a stranger around here!  Kudos!


Thank you, Joy!! Great blog, and glad to hear you've come so far in your Recovery!!  Today is my reading AND writing day!!


Forgot!! I'm an addict TODAY and I'll be an ADDICT for the rest of my life but I don't have to act on "ANYTHING" THAT TASTES GOOD BUT IS NOT GOOD FOR MY BODY!!

Once an "ADDICT", ALWAYS AN "ADDICT"!!  Just say "NO", "I don't do that anymore."


Great blog! Congrats to you! 


Fabulous!! Congratulations!!