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Day 8: This is promise myself...

0 12 37

I had to ask a few questions, some had answers and some didn't.


I had to hear some things that were hard for me to swallow at first, but ended up being the best thing to happen since the beginning of the quit.



Yesterday, was a good day when you look at it. It may have been difficult but this is only the bottom of the mountain and the end goal is the peak. I told my mom and my uncle Charles( my 2 biggest supporters) about what I was dealing with and thier intial reaction was exactly how I expected. 

That was difficult but like my friend said yesterday, I had to take responisbility. 

Today is a new day, and honestly its not AS hard today. 

But yesterday after I got home, it was like carrying boulders up a hill. 

I made it through, chewed ALOT of gum and cleaned EVERYTHING. 

I am not gonna 'restart my quit date'.

I am GOING to not smoke, no matter how hard the craving hits

I WILL controll my temper and not use quitting smoking as an excuse to act like a child.

I promise you,Victoria. 


It is YOUR choice how you respond to life's travails. It's HOW you respond that tells the tale.  Remember there is NEVER a good reason to smoke, there are only excuses.

Have your list of things to do when you get stressed.  Walk!  Jumping jacks!  Call a friend!

You CAN do this.  Now get to it!



I am not on day of right now, I am still quitting even with the slip. 




M n @


Like what? Mike?

I am here, this is a process, just because you fall back doesnt meant you stop moving foward.


OK... I get it .. it is Day 8 since you TRIED to quit...  numbers do not matter. 

Just don't trick yourself into thinking that a couple of puffs off a cig don't count either. 



and i feel like for me, there is no point in setting another quit date. It doesn't erase the slip, I learn as I go, and I am going!


Like your post. You're getting there.


M n @


We set a quit date , it is the day we smoked our last cigarette. If you smoke after that quit date you 're set your quit date .  It's being accountable . If you think your   "Slip. "

doesn't count then why did you even tell .  You smoked , I think you need to 're set the date . That's how I feel , you and others may disagree , and that's fine.

Good luck to you .


I understand your logic but resetting the date doesn't really matter to me.

I am bein accountable for the slip. But resetting the day I decided to move foward to being an EX shouldn't change in my opinion, and it is my quit. 

The date doesn't really matter to me.

I am moving foward, better than I was before the slip and thats what matters to me.


It is just a marker is all...this is semantics 


For my quit, those numbers are a matter of Honor and Honesty, not semantics. When I hit my one-year mark and proclaim my Day 365, there will be no asterisks or explanations or conditions or footnotes. It will 365 entire days with NO SMOKING. Period. None. No "slips" or "goofs" or "whoopsies" or "do-overs". Because I never once purposely decided to smoke. My quit is, and will be, true by the accepted, traditional standards of this community, and addiction recovery communities across the world.

Having said that, you manage your quit how you like.

I wish you the best.

STORM: 347 (no asterisk needed)


For me I personally daily am not counting days when I talk to people about my quit. It is about how I feel the hurdles I successfully jump and the growth, I understand that is traditional to do that but, this is more about growth as a person not matter how long it takes rather than days on a calender.


I am so happy for all the feedback and everyones input!