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Day 48 Quite a Day

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This is going to be long and if you don't want to hear an addict's brain screaming loud and clear, you probably shouldn't read any further.

I went to the pulmonologist today and had a lung function test.  It seems that I have the very mildest COPD there can be.  I have between 90 and 95 percent lung function.  He said I must have amazing genes having smoked for 53 years and not having less than 50 percent lung function.  This is great news.  I did, however, tell him that I am having way more trouble breathing than 90-95% lung function would indicate.  I get short of breath walking around my condo.  I have trouble breathing when I walk to the printer from my cube in my office.  I haven't attempted stairs in almost a year.  I breathe with "pursed lips" whenever I'm not sitting down.  So as we discussed it further, he said I most probably have asthma as well.  That made more sense, and he changed the medication he was going to prescribe to something else.  I see him again in four weeks.

Okay, I'm very, very happy that I don't have less than 50 percent lung capacity.  But my stupid addict brain came out of there saying "see, you can smoke.  It hardly even affects you."  "You have amazing genes -- you won't get hurt by smoking"  "Buy a pack.  Smoke.  You don't have to tell anyone you did it."  I went to the grocery store and stood there looking at the cigarettes.  Needless to say, I have a ridiculously self-induced crave that's been going on since I left the doctor's office.  I was going to go to bingo to get my mind off of it and be in a non-smoking place, but they cancelled bingo because of the weather.  I thought about going to the movies, but I definitely do not want to see 50 Shades of Gray and there was nothing else I wanted to see.  When I left the grocery store I gazed longingly at the 7/11 because I know they sell "my brand."

I came home.  I did not buy a pack of cigarettes.  I am confessing my wayward thoughts because I don't want to keep them secret -- I believe they will get too loud and too powerful if I keep them secret.  I am not a hipocrite and I would never smoke and pretend like I wasn't, so if I did smoke I would have to disappear from this site and I definitely don't want to do that.

Dale, I'm sure, will say I'm creating this problem in my head, and I don't disagree.  I guess this is just another No Mans Land experience.  I have committed to Not One Puff Ever and I mean to keep that commitment.  Tomorrow I will probably be ecstatic that I weathered this crave without caving in.  I think I'll reread Allen Carr tonight because it is very clear to me that there is a part of me that is REALLY WANTING TO SMOKE.  I need to reinforce the learning I have done that smoking is NOTHING.  I'm giving up NOTHING.  This is just the addict who thinks she got a break today.  But I have even a little COPD and asthma because I smoked.  It didn't do nothing to me.  I really have trouble breathing, and while I haven't noticed that it's gotten any better since I quit, it sure would get worse if I smoked.

I know all these things and I have protected my quit, and now I'm sitting here whining, but at least there are no smokes in this house and I will "sleep it off."  Thanks for listening.


congrats on day 48, that is great news your lung test. forward you go.


DJ, I have asthma, have had it for years and I also have COPD, I have no idea what stage it is because I still have not been to a pulmonologist.  I think you need to understand that if you have asthma, you are at very high risk of developing much worse COPD and it will be accelerated greatly by smoking.  I have quit smoking many times in the past and always went back to smoking for one reason or another when I felt less physically challenged.  Well, those days are gone.  I do not have any days when I am not challenged any more and I am on two inhalers and prednisone.  Please do not think that because it is not as bad as you were afraid it was going to be that it will not GET there.  If you have that degree of shortness of breath, there is something going on that is not to be ignored.

Stay with us DJ, we need you!


So good and bad news.

Time will tell.

As far as putting words in my mouth "that's my story and I'm sticking to it"

Time is the healer, Nics a dope dealer.


I am gla you posted this it is better to be honest and like you said shed light on the darkness ! It got you through and Thank God you don't have more damage and yes smoking will make it worse . Since I stopped My lungs are so much better ! I am truly grateful that I too have smoked so long and my body seems to have faired pretty well considering 50 years of smoking . Both of my sisters smoke and one of them has asthma and COPD she is on nebulizers and inhalers and has no desire to quit she thinks she is so addicted and will "go crazy " without the cigarettes . I tried to explain to her that when you choose not to smoke it is a different feeling then when you run out of cigarettes with no way to get them .... that is a crazy feeling ! I still remember my Mom literally tearing the house apart in the middle of the night looking everywhere for a cigarette ! Hang in there DJ I know sometimes I just cannot imagine going the rest of my life without smoking but that is why we have to say just for today and keep it in the day !


What a day, so glad that you didn't smoke.


You hang in there my friend, NML  can be very stressful at times but you will get through to the other side and be in a good place in your quit. Be vigilant, stay on guard and remember that the nicodemon is a two faced lier and will say and try anything to get you to slip but remember that you are so much stronger than any urges that you may get. You can and will succeed in your quit, stay strong my friend. ☺ 



Didn't you say you had an x-ray that showed COPD?  What did the doctor say that was?  Glad you got good news, that is wonderful.  You are a rock star for not smoking.


You are doing fine.......everyone has got through it!!! YAY YOU!! Thoughts are not actions. This was a test and you passed with flying colors.

Stay strong


hey kid, you do not smoke, you will never smoke again.  get over it already.. NOPE  We are here to make sure.  If you slip do not leave the site, share with us so we all can learn.



Good for you DJ-you protected your quit!!  You have to pause a second and refocus and  rethink you did it !!

Good Job


Isn't it amazing what the addict brain will do!!!!!! Grrrrr. Don't worry you are doing great. This B.S. is natural to hit us up. It keeps trying like a two year old throwing a fit. But the more you hold fast the weeker and less often it happens. I never thought "I" would be doing better but I am! It really does get better! Get some rest. You are prob tired too And I look forward to your estatic blog tomorrow! 🙂

I love you all -- the crave is gone, I promise I will write an ecstatic blog tomorrow.  I'm reeading another one of Allen Carr's books (I've read the first one twice now) and watching the Westminster Dog Show.  That's a decent evening.  And, of course, coming here for my does of support and tough love (thanks, Jimmie.)

I'm glad you got thru today and got good news. I hope the medication helps. I have also gotten the other Allan Carr book and am reading it now. I recognize that I don't keep some of the thoughts in my head that need to be there. So I will read and reread them as often as it takes. It helps. I wish I could memorize them. I often think of making myself cards to refer to. Maybe that would work? I'm happy you are not copd. And now never will be.

The thing is - you know what to do about all of this! Coming here - whining, venting, whatever - if needed - is all fine! You also do a wonderful job of staying present and thinking as you experience all of this! To me that is the answer! When you run from all of it - that is when you can lose a quit! 

I remember - almost like it was yesterday - early in my quit when my addict brain pulled a similar "fast one" on me. Out of the blue I began thinking about my Aunt Mary who had lived until she was 89 - having smoked all of her life. (Sure she died from esophagal cancer but the addict brain overlooked that...and figured "well, she made it to 89"!) I began thinking how I must come from a family with "good genes" and ......well, you get the picture! My brain wouldn't let it go and I remember thinking - when it finally did go - how very powerful that kind of nutty thinking can be!

I thought it through and finally worked it out that it didn't really matter about the number of days I may have left (who can really ever know that anyway!) - what was important was the QUALITY of those days! This had to be about living a new life of freedom! No matter what happens - including possible health issues - I will be able to say I do not smoke!

You are doing fine - as long as you pledge to always come here with these thoughts first before taking any action - I believe you will continue to do fine! Congrats on what must be 49 days now! 50 - here it comes! 

(PS - Great news about your lung function! Hopefully the medication will help with the breathing....and that will soon imporove!)