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Day 47 - Still here (at the King Oscar)

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Well, I thought I might be out with a mentor last night or at latest today but, alas, it was not meant to be.  I did get a phone number of a potential mentor today but when I called "William" he already sounded angry and explained not so politely that he only takes on female trainees.  So now I have been instructed to wait until Monday unless I get a surprise call over the weekend to pack up real quick and meet up with a mentor.  I'm thinking that I will be watching the super bowl here from the King Oscar motel as opposed to listening to it on the radio in a truck.  Oh well.  I'm officially hired, got my Comdata card and driver code so I'm otherwise set to go.  Despite the delay I'm happy to be here in this position and officially hired.  Goodbye temp labor, I won't miss ya. 


So I'm here at the King Oscar hotel about to eat some more bad food.  I really wasn't planning on staying in a motel but since I don't want to end up spooning on the fake leather couch in the driver's lounge of the terminal with some guy wearing flipflops and a wife beater, I'll foot the bill for now.  Tonight it is expired 2 for $1 Lunchables I picked up at the Grocery Outlet.  Always being the bargain shopper, I think this time it would have paid to have eaten the little pizza Lunchables that had not passed their "eat by" date.  Although possibly exhibiting some fiduciary responsibility this move might have been gastronomically disastrous.  My stomach is now protesting and I'm about to attempt to comfort my stomach with some breaded mac and cheese bites.  Undoubtedly I will be paying for this tomorrow but I realized the motel has a gym downstairs so that makes my choices alright, at least for tonight.  My room is a non smoking room again but I still smell some residual smokey smell.  Someone was cheating in here at some point.  Hoping I get a nonsmoking mentor but I can't specifically request one as apparently about 65% of all truckers smoke.   At least from what I have been seeing.  Hoping for the best tho.    


Congratulations on 47 smoke free days.  Hope you get a mentor soon.  Otherwise, enjoy the superbowl weekend.  


William sounds creepy.  I hope you get a good mentor.  (Won't the company just pair you up?)

Anyway, enjoy your weekend.  I don't care about the football, but I will enjoy the food and friends tomorrow.


congrats on 47 days ,


You guys enjoy the weekend too. 


Yeah, the company pairs us up but the logisitics of getting us paired up is crazy.  Hopefully Monday.